Tutorials : Chat (2)

Build Instant Messaging in a MERN-Based E-commerce App With Stream Chat

Instant messaging has become an integral part of web applications in recent years. The real-time exchange of information helps to cement the users' trust, whether they are customers, merchants, or other stakeholders. This technology has become ubiquitous across many industries, including virtual events, healthcare, and education. However, the complexity surrounding proper in-house implementation was an
10 min read

Implementing ChatGPT with Stream Chat

With the advent and increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google's Gemini, many customers wish to implement these solutions to maintain feature parity in the marketplace and provide highly engaging and memorable experiences for their user base. As an industry-leading solution, Stream evolves alongside these market shifts and
3 min read

Build an AI Chat Android App With Google’s Generative AI

Google recently introduced its Generative AI platform, featuring a collection of large language models (LLMs) that utilize techniques inspired by AlphaGo. Gemini is an artificial intelligence that generates new content or data from existing sources. These technologies generate realistic and coherent text, images, audio, video, and other media forms, producing entirely synthetic yet believable outputs.
12 min read

Build a Discord Clone Using Next.js and Tailwind: Channel List — Part Three

Welcome to our series about building a Discord clone using Next.js and TailwindCSS. In the previous posts, we covered setting up the project and adding the server list. This one will tackle the channel list that will look like this: Demo of the end result of the project We already mentioned different customization options for
25 min read

Build an iOS 17-Style Action Composer in SwiftUI

Build an iOS 17-Style Action Composer in SwiftUI Apple tends to bring improvements to the UI on each major platform release. One of these nice improvements is the new Action Menu List. The Action Menu List is a nicely animated menu, typically under a button at the bottom left of an app’s message entry screen.
8 min read

How To Build a Telegram Clone with SwiftUI

SwiftUI Chat and Video Calling App Demo An iOS app like Telegram combines chat and video calling to enhance real-time and async communication for all users. Its thoughtful animations also provide unique and engaging text-based and live connection. Let's build an iOS/SwiftUI app similar to Telegram by integrating Stream’s iOS chat SDK, iOS video calling
10 min read

Build a Discord Clone with Next.js and TailwindCSS: Server List — Part Two

In part one of the series, we did not cover any UI work and instead focused on setting up the project and integrating the Stream Chat SDK. Having laid this groundwork, we can now start implementing the UI. We will start with the overall layout of the application and then build it step-by-step. This part
14 min read

CometChat Migration Guide

CometChat allows you to integrate chat messaging and video calling into your product quickly. While it offers a convenient way to get started, you will quickly run into flexibility, scalability, and customization limitations when using CometChat’s prebuilt components in your codebase. Stream is a popular CometChat alternative and the leading provider of chat APIs. Stream
7 min read

Build a Discord Clone Using Next.js and Tailwind: Project Setup — Part One

The internet is a great place to connect with people. Nothing compares to real-world encounters, but there are situations where these are not possible. In these cases, online experiences can bring people together, facilitate the exchange of ideas, build communities, and create lasting friendships. Discord is a great example of an enabling platform. After getting
10 min read

Create LLM-powered Chatbot For Your Documentation

Because many large language models are trained on general data, they can only answer general questions. However, businesses are left with the question of leveraging their data to incorporate it into the knowledge corpus of the models. Picture this: Your software's user guide isn't just a manual anymore; it's a conversation starter with your AI.
11 min read

Building a Real-Time WhatsApp Web Clone with NextJS, Supabase, and Tailwind

Launched in 2009, WhatsApp remains one of the most popular communication platforms in the world, helping friends, family members, and community groups stay connected no matter where they’re located or what devices they’re using. With a powerful set of group chat, direct messaging, and audio/video calling features delivered through a simple and intuitive UI, WhatsApp
2 min read

Building an Uber Clone in Jetpack Compose

The core functionality of this app is as follows: Basic user authentication and profile management (Chat SDK, FirebaseAuth, Firebase Storage) Autocomplete destination searching for passengers (Google Places) Drivers can view open ride requests which contain details on distance to the passenger and their destination (Chat SDK Channels) Drivers and passengers can communicate during an active
26 min read

Building WhatsApp-Style Voice Messages With Swift

Voice messaging is common in popular chat apps such as Telegram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, allowing people to record audio clips and send them to others. This article will explore async voice messaging support in Stream Chat iOS. In the above voice-recording-supported apps, users typically send voice messages through audio attachments. Our iOS SDK has a
9 min read

Build a Pixel Perfect Threads Clone in Swift UI—With a Twist!

Whenever a new app arrives, it is a fun exercise to try and recreate its UI to learn exactly how it might be put together. The Threads app UI is pretty straightforward with a few exceptions. The follower “bubble” and profile tab selection is the most interesting UI feature I’ve found in the Threads app.
16 min read

Integrating Chat and Scheduling To Transform Online Care Appointments

Head over to our previous article Enhancing Patient-Care: Combining Nylas’ Calendar API with Stream’s Chat API to learn more about Nylas and Stream. Understanding Key Features of the Care Appointment App A remote healthcare provider has the following functions: Log in to the application and specify availability for booking through Nylas' appointment scheduler Check notifications
9 min read

Build an App Similar to iMessage with Stream's React Native SDK and NotJust.dev

First, sign up for your free 30-day trial with Stream. Then, you can follow along with Notjust.dev's user-friendly tutorial on designing a real-time chat app that closely resembles iMessage with plenty of room for customization, thanks to our flexible UI kits. Low latency is one of the key features of a messaging app. Stream's Chat
1 min read

Integrate Stream’s Automated Moderation Into Your App: A Powerful Content Moderation Solution

Welcome to the Automated Moderation part of Building a Twitter Clone With SwiftUI in a Weekend tutorial series. It demonstrates how to integrate the Auto-Moderation tool into one-on-one or group chat for a safe and protected direct or group messaging experience. You can follow the steps highlighted in this article to moderate the flow of
6 min read

How to Create Custom Chat Attachments With SwiftUI

When using Stream Chat, you most likely want tight integration between Stream Chat and the rest of your application. If something is a concept in your product, you want to be able to attach it to a chat message. By default, Stream Chat supports several attachment types already. Images are rendered in a gallery layout,
8 min read

How To Build An App Like Uber

We are thrilled to have sponsored Ryan Michael Kay's latest YouTube video demonstrating how Stream's Compose UI toolkit can help you build a world-class chat solution and the complete functionality of an app like Uber! Enjoy this follow along style Android tutorial that highlights key steps and navigates you through the entire process with source
1 min read

Getting Started with Auto Moderation

For an organization, it means dedicating lots of time and resources toward detecting and preventing harm from reaching users instead of building your product. For companies like Facebook, this number can be as high as 5% of revenue; for verticals like Marketplaces, it can be up to 10% of revenue. At Stream, we aim to
4 min read

Build a Flutter Social Chat with Stream: Bloc and Domain Driven Design

If you want to build an application with the cross-platform framework Flutter, you are in the right place. After gaining some Flutter experience, you may need to build more complex applications. Generally, If you do not consider UI/UX sections, it’s hard to understand and apply communication sections. For instance, If you use the BLoC pattern
11 min read

Building a Google Chrome Extension with Flutter and Stream

This is the first thing one sees on the Flutter website, and rightly so. Apart from the conventional form factors like mobile, tablet, and desktop, Flutter has also been run on gaming consoles, IoT devices and unconventional displays which is a testament to how flexible the framework is. This article will explore how to use
11 min read

Setting up your Chat environment with Stream CLI

Previously, in Get up and Running With Stream Chat, we looked at how to register your organization, and get an API key and secret for your Stream Chat app. Now it's time to create your first users and channels in this environment. One of the ways of doing that is by using our friendly stream-cli
3 min read

The Stream CLI By Example

The Stream CLI is a powerful tool for communicating and debugging your Stream Chat setup with the Stream API. With the Stream CLI, you can quickly work your chat configuration using all of the features that are baked into the Stream Chat Go SDK, including but not limited to modifying chat channels and messages, setting
3 min read

Supercharging Conversations With ChatGPT

As a chat company, we naturally wanted to check out OpenAI's ChatGPT model (and have a little fun with it!) by trying to have it act as a chatbot in a conversation between friends. Since ChatGPT does not have an official API yet, our work was cut out for us 😅. Understanding the API The
12 min read

Customizing Your Stream Chat Web App With Our New Theming API

Follow this coding tutorial to learn about the new Stream Chat theming API and understand how to customize your Stream chat web app with CSS. Customizing Your Chat Application Creating a chat UI that seamlessly integrates with the rest of your application's design can elevate your user experience. An extensive theming system that allows you
7 min read

Using SwiftUI Views: How To Customize Stream Chat Channel List

Stream’s SwiftUI SDK gives developers a modern way to build beautiful iOS chat messaging apps with stateful components. This tutorial guides you to perform significant customizations for the channel list of Stream Chat SwiftUI apps using views injection. You will discover how to swap Stream’s UI components with your bespoke layout and composition. In particular,
11 min read

Hive AI and Stream Chat Content Moderation Integration Guide

Billions of users access mobile and web applications every day and generate countless hours of content, from live-stream videos to real-time messages and more. For the teams that build and maintain these services, enforcing some level of content moderation is a must. But, how can you keep up with the constant influx of user-generated content?
13 min read

Bringing Anmol Verma's Jetpack Compose Slack Project to Life

Are you a developer working in an organization? If yes, then you’ve probably used Slack before, or at least know what it is. As one of the leading workplace chat apps, millions of teams have adopted Slack and communicate over the platform every day. But have you ever thought about what it would take to
9 min read

Theming and Customizing Your Stream Chat SwiftUI App: A Quick-Start Guide

This tutorial describes how to perform configuration-based theming and customization of your Stream Chat SwiftUI app. It focuses mainly on the basics of theming the default look and feel of user interface elements. The example and code snippets provided should give you a vivid understanding of how to get started with changing the visual appearance
8 min read

How to Create Custom Reactions in a Compose Chat App

The new v5 Compose Chat SDK provides a ReactionsTypes API that supports more complex reactions, like animated emojis or uploaded images, similar to other social media platforms. Note: The Jetpack Compose UI components are now stable. Check out the full announcement here. You can try out the new SDK in the Jetpack Compose Chat Tutorial.
7 min read

Conversational AI Using Stream Chat, HuggingFace, and DialogGPT

With the rise in popularity of applications like the AI companion Replika or language learning apps that offer a way to talk with an AI to learn a new language, you may be asking yourself, “How can I achieve this in my app?” There are different ways to build an AI bot, and there are
6 min read

How to Code a Gmail Spaces Clone With React

The Gmail Spaces in-app messaging feature allows Gmail account users to create spaces for long-term conversations between other users. Using Stream Chat and the React SDK from Stream, you will create a clone of this Gmail feature. We will call this stream-spaces 🚀 Application Demo There are many complex and straightforward features in Gmail spaces,
50 min read

How to Add a Messenger-like Chess Game to Your Flutter Chat App

Chess – a game as old as time – and yet most people disagree whether the king goes on the right or left. Chess has transitioned from the traditional board and made its way to our screens. It makes quite a frequent appearance in chat applications since most people know at least the basics of
9 min read

New Serverside Chat Functionality: Unread Message Reminders

Unread Message Reminders allow you to notify users of unread messages via SMS, push notifications, or email while they are offline. As the latest addition to our Stream Chat feature set, Unread Message Reminders are designed for 1-on-1 chat experiences and are available for all channel types. If you were to build this on your
5 min read

Designing a Pixel Perfect iMessage Contacts List in SwiftUI

This tutorial takes you through creating a clone of the iOS Messages application’s contacts list. Designing the contacts list will give you the foundations and basic understanding of compositing interfaces in SwiftUI. A follow-up tutorial and its GitHub repository will show you how to implement the list interface created in this tutorial using the Stream
10 min read

How to Use Core Spotlight to Improve Your App’s User Experience

To show you how to integrate CoreSpotlight, we’ll build an app that displays a list of countries. When the user selects a country, a few things will happen: Our app will open a new screen with details about the selected country We will index the selection to the Spotlight API Now, when the user enters
8 min read

How Our iOS Team Built the SwiftUI SDK Message List

Apart from the rich feature set, chats need to be very responsive in order to update data correctly based on real-time events, especially in larger chats, such as live streams or group messages. In addition to responsiveness, chats must be quite performant in terms of scrolling, memory usage, and performance in general. These were challenges
7 min read

How to Build a Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe Game with In-App Chat

The game of tic tac toe has roots dating back to ancient Egypt in 1300 B.C. Here, developer Pedro Machado, owner of the Youtube channel PedroTech, displays a modern take on the beloved game by adding in-game chat using Stream's Gaming Chat solution. In just under three hours, Machado demonstrates how to create a digital
0 min read

How to Integrate Passwordless Authentication into a React Chat App With Supabase

Authentication is a very important part of any application, so it should be implemented in such a way that it delivers a great user experience while keeping your users’ secrets safe. One solution that works well for users and security is passwordless authentication. What Is Passwordless Authentication? Like it sounds, passwordless authentication is a means
27 min read

Beginner Tutorial: Build a Discord-Like Application with notJust.dev

Vadim Savin is the CEO of notJust Development, an excellent online resource for those seeking to learn how to code. In this tutorial for beginners, Savin demonstrates how to build a Discord clone application with fully-featured messaging powered by Stream’s React Native Chat SDK with a customized UI to match Discord’s look and feel. Follow
0 min read

Learn How to Bring Your SwiftUI App to Life With Advanced Animations

Part three of this tutorial will guide you through creating a splash screen animation, an onboarding animation for an empty messages screen, turn-taking animations in chat messaging, and animating emojis. You’ll use our iOS Chat SDK sample application to get you up and running. Since this is the final installment of our prototyping in SwiftUI
11 min read

Adding Global Chat To An Unreal Game

You can have a look at the final result of this tutorial in the main branch of the accompanying GitHub repository, and a packaged version of the game with a few additional features in the latest release of the Stream Chat Unreal Plugin. Prerequisites Before you get started, make sure you've installed the most recent
6 min read

UIKit vs. SwiftUI: How to Choose the Right Framework for Your App

Choosing between UIKit or SwiftUI to be your main implementation framework is a big decision. We will explore some of the characteristics of both frameworks and list their pros and cons. So let’s dive right in and help you determine which approach is best. UIKit vs. SwiftUI: Starting a New Project Today is the day.
9 min read

Prototyping With SwiftUI: Creating Complex Interactions Using Gestures and Modifiers

In part two of this series, you’ll use our iOS Chat SDK sample application to prototype several gestures that you’ll use for refreshing page content, adding seamless swiping and pagination to message lists and photos, revealing in-app actions to messages in message channels, and more. You’ll also apply modifiers to these gestures so you can
7 min read

Creating Animated Message Reactions and Interactions Using SwiftUI

Animated message reactions, like the ones found in iMessage, offer you a way to quickly respond and add your sentiment to a single chat message. In this tutorial, we will focus on making animated message reactions more lively by adding animations to the reaction icons and their container. We will go through the process step
9 min read

Customizing the Compose Chat SDK with ChatTheme

To get started, you'll learn how to customize the chat features you build with Stream's Compose Chat SDK. Specifically, you'll work with Stream's Compose ChatTheme component to define these features so that your app truly looks and feels the way you want it to. You can find all the code in this article on GitHub.
5 min read

Using Webhooks to Integrate Google Calendar and React

Many chat apps today implement /slash commands for their end-users. When done right, these commands can be both practical and engaging, serving a variety of use cases. For this tutorial, you’ll create a custom /gcal command that will populate your app's chat channel with your upcoming Google Calendar events and call it with a webhook
21 min read

Prototyping Stream's iOS Chat SDK Using SwiftUI - Part 1

This tutorial will focus on designing the elements that make up the ChannelListView and ChatsView components. In parts two and three, you’ll build on these components by adding interactions and animations, creating a more seamless chat experience. Resources You can download the Xcode project containing the SwiftUI source code from GitHub to follow along. The
11 min read

Building an Avengers Chat Application - Part 2

Before you dive in, make sure you’ve read Building an Avengers Chat Application for Android (Part 1), where we cover foundational concepts like the app’s architecture, Gradle setup, integrating Stream, and more. Once you’ve caught up, you can dive into part two, where you’ll learn to further customize your chat app and add more complex
6 min read

Adventures in Tracking Upload Progress With OkHttp and Retrofit

Our original implementation to track file upload progress worked, but it had some in-code usability and UX issues that we wanted to clean up. The following account gives an up-close look into the process we had, the problems we encountered, and what we did to improve. Warning: As this is a story of mistakes we
8 min read

Building Custom Message List Items With Compose

The Stream Chat SDK for Jetpack Compose makes extensive use of slot APIs, which allow you to provide pieces of Composable layout that you can then use within one of the chat components provided by the SDK. For this post, you'll use the MessageList component and its itemContentparameter to completely change how message items are
5 min read

Stream Authentication Using Flutter, Firebase, and Cloud Functions

Authentication is a basic necessity when building a messaging app with Stream. It helps secure the messaging environment and also provides a customized experience on a per-user basis. Stream uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to authenticate users. Generally, to generate and provide these authentication tokens to your app, you need to maintain a backend server.
15 min read

How to Avoid Multiple WebSocket Connections in a React Chat App

WebSockets are at the core of every chat app. At Stream, whenever you connect a user to a channel, you create a WebSocket connection. That means for every connected user, there’s at least one connection open. But, did you know it’s possible for a single user to connect multiple times? This is what we refer
5 min read

Switching from Interaction Design Tools to SwiftUI

When designing and prototyping touch interactions for iOS devices, designers typically rely on interaction design tools such as Framer, Origami Studio, Adobe XD, Figma, InVision, Flinto, Principle, and ProtoPie. While there is nothing wrong with these design tools, they create an extra step for developers who must translate animations and interactions built with these tools
7 min read

How This Developer Built a Messaging App in Just 2 Hours

Building a chat app from scratch can be a difficult, frustrating process that can take months — and that’s just for a bare-bones messaging application with none of the engaging features today’s savvy app users expect. But with Stream’s Chat API, coding doesn’t have to be a huge headache. Stream challenged developer Vadim Savin, CEO
1 min read

Sending Custom Chat Attachments With Jetpack Compose

Specifically, this tutorial will cover: What an AttachmentFactory is Creating a custom AttachmentFactory Customizing Stream Compose UI Components Sending custom files as attachments Adding previews for your custom attachment Note: Stream recently announced their Jetpack Compose UI components, which are currently in beta. This follows the announcement of the stable version of Jetpack Compose. You
9 min read

Building a Chat App With ChatKit for Android

Did you know you can integrate Stream’s Android SDK with other open-source libraries? To show you just how easy it is, in this tutorial you’ll leverage data from Stream’s Chat API to power the messaging UI from ChatKit. Specifically, this tutorial will cover: Stream Setup Implementing the ChatKit Interfaces Building the Channels Screen Building the
9 min read

Instantly Send Audio Messages With Stream Chat and Flutter

Many chat applications today allow users to send voice notes as messages. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to send voice notes, or audio attachments, in your Stream Chat Flutter app. By the end, your app will feature a chat experience similar to the shown here. This tutorial will cover the following sections in detail:
12 min read

Build a Medical Pager Messaging App

Building a chat app that is both feature-rich and scalable can be difficult and time-consuming. But in just under four hours, this YouTube video by JavaScript Mastery demonstrates how to build and deploy a telemedicine chat app designed for a medical or hospital setting using the Stream Chat API. We love this tutorial because it
0 min read

Jetpack Compose vs. XML-based UI Components for Stream Chat

Stream now offers two separate Android UI implementations that you can use to integrate Stream’s Chat API with your app: Compose UI Components (preferable if you’re using Jetpack Compose) UI Components (preferable if you’re building XML layouts) In almost all cases, you should use the library that’s native to the rest of your app’s UI.
3 min read

Peer-to-Peer Payment Integration With Stream and Flutter

Adding a peer-to-peer payment integration to your Flutter application creates a richer in-app experience for your end-users. However, you need to make sure your payment process is fast and secure. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to integrate a peer-to-peer payment solution in your Stream Chat Flutter application using an in-app digital wallet that provides
14 min read

End-to-End Encrypted Chat in Flutter

When you communicate over a chat application with another person or group, you may exchange sensitive information, like personally identifiable information, financial details, or passwords. To ensure that your data stays secure, a chat application must use end-to-end encryption. In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of end-to-end encryption and how to use it in
8 min read

Add Location Sharing to a Messaging App Using Flutter

A stand-out feature of the most popular messaging applications is the ability to share a user's location quickly and conveniently with trusted peers. Using Stream Chat and Flutter, we can implement a similar feature in very little time. In this article, we will build a small location-sharing chat feature using Flutter, Stream Chat, and the
15 min read

Location Sharing With Custom Attachments on Android

Stream's Android Chat SDK supports sending custom attachments with messages. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to send location data as a custom attachment. Note: This tutorial assumes you already know the basics of the Stream API. To get started, check out the Android In-App Messaging Tutorial, and take a look at the Android SDK
5 min read

Building a Responsive Desktop Chat with Flutter

In today’s world, chat or instant messaging apps have completely superseded traditional text messages. We all use chat app to communicate with the people around us due to the capability of the chat application to provide features such as message read receipts, user presence, reactions, typing indicators, etc. As a result, users enjoy and hardly
7 min read

Build a Music Chat iOS App Using SwiftUI

Music has always been an oasis for me while coding and writing. I love chatting for hours on end with my friends, exploring our peculiar music taste. What if we had an app where we could listen to music and discuss with a like-minded community? This tutorial will create a music chat app where you
9 min read

iOS Passwordless Chat Application with Auth0

Almost every application needs an authentication strategy. The most common being the classic username and password combo. However, there's a new approach some apps are taking to avoid handling or storing user passwords: passwordless authentication. It generally involves sending a one-time PIN (OTP) through a user-owned channel such as their phone or email. If the
4 min read

Creating a fast and beautiful chat with Flutter

We all have probably written chat apps multiple times in our lives, and we all know that it takes time! So I always wondered if there is a way to make a custom and beautiful chat app using some lib/service that does all the heavy lifting for me. A few weeks ago, I came across
6 min read

All About Reactions with the Stream Chat Android SDK

Stream's Chat SDK for Android provides a way for you to add reactions in your application in a matter of minutes. The SDK has a free trial, and it's free to use for small companies and hobby projects with a Maker Account. In this tutorial, you're going to learn how to do the following with
8 min read

Creating Custom Attachments on Android

Messages in Stream Chat can contain a number of attachments. The UI Components library for Android renders these by default depending on their type. Images are rendered in a gallery layout, files are shown in a list, and links show rich previews of the content they're leading to. You can render attachments in a custom
5 min read

Your First Steps with Stream Chat on Android

Previously, in Get up and Running With Stream Chat, we looked at how to register your organization for Stream Chat, and get an API key and secret for your app. Now it's time to create a new Android project, add the Stream Chat Android SDK to it, and create your first users and channels! If
5 min read

Get up and Running With Stream Chat

Registering an account First, go to the trial registration page, and fill out the required details. (Note that your organization name can not have spaces in it.) The chat trial lets you play around with Stream Chat APIs for 30 days, for free. If you're a small business or you're building a hobby project, you
3 min read

Creating a Jetpack Compose Example App

Stream now provides a fully-featured Jetpack Compose Chat SDK that you can use instead of the basic approach described in this article. Check out the Compose Chat Messaging Tutorial and give it a try today! Intro and context In our previous article about Jetpack Compose, we shared our initial impressions and recommended some learning resources.
11 min read

Generate JWTs with Swift on AWS Lambda

Authorization is one of the essential parts of any iOS application. Once a user is logged in, it's your authorization scheme that will make sure users can't interact with your app in ways they're not allowed to. Without a robust authorization scheme, hackers could easily access sensitive user data and engage in other damaging activities
4 min read

Build an iMessage Clone with Stream's Flutter Chat SDK

In this tutorial, we’ll build a functional clone of iMessage using Stream Chat Flutter SDK. Building a chat in your app at scale is not an easy task; but in this tutorial, you’ll get a chat experience up and running in roughly 20 minutes! You can follow this tutorial without a deep knowledge of Flutter,
5 min read

How to Create a Live Stream Event

Technology once reserved for broadcast journalism, televised concerts, and important sporting events is now available to all with a WiFi connection and a smartphone. Live streaming, defined as the real-time transmission of events over the internet, grew exponentially in 2020. According to StreamElements and Arsenal.gg, the live streaming sector grew 99% from 2019 to 2020
9 min read

Build an Interactive Messaging App with Stream, MML, Node and React

Message Markup Language (MML) enables you to build an interactive messaging experience. MML supports embedding elements as simple as a button to your message or as complex as date pickers and custom forms within your chat experience. MML also supports images, icons, and tables out of the box. The goal for MML is to provide
5 min read

Live Streaming With Mux, Stream, and Flutter

Livestreams are everywhere these days, from popular gaming sites such as Twitch to more casual everyday apps like Instagram. Apps use live streaming and live video to help connect users and add another level of interactivity to their platform. This post is still useful, but out of date. Stream now offers a Live Video Streaming
13 min read

Tutorial: How to Build a Slack Clone with React Native - Part 3

Note: This blog is archived due to limited compatibility with an old version of the React Native chat SDK. Please check our latest tutorial or our finished Slack clone. In Part 2 of this tutorial, we covered how to build Slack-like navigation, channel list screen, channel screen, reaction picker, and action sheet. In this tutorial,
4 min read

Tutorial: How to Build a Slack Clone with React Native - Part 2

Note: This blog is archived due to limited compatibility with an old version of the React Native chat SDK. Please check our latest tutorial or our finished Slack clone. React Native has come a long way since its first release in 2015. In fact, it has enough components, APIs, and supporting libraries in its present
7 min read

How to Use an SDK Built for UIKit in Your SwiftUI App

SwiftUI becomes more popular as it gets more capable with each iOS release. However, it may take some time until it's a better option than UIKit to build complex user experiences such as chat and video calls. That doesn't mean you need to stick with UIKit until all the SDKs you use support SwiftUI. In
2 min read

End-to-End Encrypted iOS Chat with Apple's CryptoKit

In most cases, when building a chat app, it's essential to provide adequate privacy and security to your users. This can be done using cryptographic methods such as end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption is becoming a mainstream expectation, as it's featured in the biggest chat apps, such as WhatsApp and Telegram. In this article, you'll learn
5 min read

Build a Psychotherapy App with Video and Chat for iOS

In this guide, we'll create the a basic Psychotherapy App for iOS with Stream Chat, for its fully featured chat components, and Dolby.io, for its excellent audio and video capabilities. Both offerings are HIPAA compliant. When you finish following the steps, you'll get an app like in the image below. Additionally, it will be compatible
6 min read

End-to-End Encrypted Chat with the Web Crypto API

When transmitting or storing user data, especially private conversations, it's essential to consider employing cryptographic techniques to ensure privacy. By reading this tutorial, you'll learn how to end-to-end encrypt data in web applications using nothing but JavaScript and the Web Crypto API, which is a native browser API. Please note that this tutorial is very
7 min read

Moderate Chat Content with Swift on AWS Lambda

Most of the time, when building a chat application, it's essential to have some level of control over what your users can share and say to each other. In this tutorial, we'll use Swift Lambda and Stream's powerful chat API to build a content moderation system that can prevent users from sending unwanted content. In
2 min read

Build a Realtime Notification Feed for AWS S3

This tutorial demonstrates how to set up notifications for these events using a Stream Feed in conjunction with AWS S3. We will walk through a basic set up that shows how to create a timeline (flat feed) to display a list of events tied to an AWS S3 bucket – think user uploads, downloads, and
13 min read

Create A Support Chat Admin Dashboard

In this tutorial, we'll build a chat app with a dashboard that allows an admin user to switch between one-on-one customer chat channels in the same window. As a busy customer support representative, you don’t want to be stuck with a chat app that opens each chat in a new window, forcing you to cycle
5 min read

Save and Send Chat Transcripts with SendGrid

In this tutorial, we'll build a chat app that sends a copy of a chat transcript in an email using SendGrid. Imagine being able to automatically inform your sales team when one of their clients has chatted with your support team. This app sends a transcript of that chat directly to the salesperson's email address
6 min read

Syncing Sales Chat Transcripts in Real-Time with Zendesk Sell CRM and Stream Chat

Can you imagine viewing your sales chat transcripts in real time from your sales CRM? Would your chat applications improve with more timely handling of customer chat inquiries? This post demonstrates how to leverage the powerful Stream Chat API to take action with a chat transcript as the chat takes place, response by response. The
6 min read

Write a Chatbot in Swift and Deploy to AWS Lambda

Did you know you can use Swift in the backend to build a chatbot and deploy it to AWS? We've recently published an Open Source project called Swift Lambda to make the process easier. In this tutorial, we'll use Swift Lambda to build a chatbot that can reply to user messages automatically using Stream's powerful
2 min read

Send Chat Transcripts to HubSpot

This tutorial will explore how to make a chat widget that connects to the HubSpot CRM to (1) create or update a HubSpot CRM Contact with the user’s info, and (2) save chat transcripts in HubSpot. We’ll use the versatile Stream Chat client and its webhooks to accomplish this. The steps provided here will help
10 min read

How to Implement Chat in Your E-Commerce iOS App

In this tutorial, we'll integrate chat in an e-commerce app using Stream Chat's Swift SDK. It's crucial for buyers that may need immediate communication for payments, delivery status, last-minute changes, and refunds. Those screenshots show a button leading to a chat screen where the buyer can get information in real time from the seller. This
4 min read

How To Capture Leads From Live Chat In Zendesk

This post will demonstrate how to configure a Lead creation in Zendesk from a customer inquiry via a landing page/sales chat widget. We'll build a full-screen experience that can be embedded on your homepage or landing pages. Our chat experience will start with a simple user registration to lead capture. It will ask for first
6 min read

How to Capture Leads From Live Chat In HubSpot

In this tutorial, learn how to build a Stream chat widget that connects to the HubSpot CRM to automatically create a new contact when a customer initiates a chat. This widget, backed by the Stream chat API, can be easily embedded to your site as a chat widget for sales, support, lead capture, or a
8 min read

How to Build a Live Fitness iOS App

In this tutorial, we'll build a TeleHealth iOS app where gym members and instructors can interact in an online virtual fitness class using Stream Chat, to deliver fully featured chat components, and Dolby.io, to provide quality audio and video. By the end, we'll have an application similar to the screenshots below. As a bonus, it's
6 min read

How to Build an iOS App for Livestream Events

In this tutorial, we'll build an iOS app for livestream events where attendees and speakers can interact in a virtual conference room using Stream Chat, to deliver fully featured chat components, and Dolby.io, to provide quality live-streamed audio and video for large audiences. By the end, we'll have an application similar to the screenshots below.
6 min read

How to Build a Virtual Classroom iOS App with Video and Chat

In this tutorial, we'll build an iOS app where students and teachers can interact in a virtual classroom using Stream Chat, to deliver fully featured chat components, and Dolby.io, to provide quality audio and video. By the end, we'll have an application similar to the screenshots below. As a bonus, it's compatible with both light
5 min read

How to Implement In-App Support Chat on iOS

In this tutorial, we'll build an in-app support system using Stream Chat's Swift SDK, which you can quickly integrate in new or existing apps. It's crucial for users that may need immediate information or assistance in completing a task. It's frequently present in banking, e-commerce, delivery, and ride sharing apps. Those screenshots show a button
5 min read

How to Build a Telemedicine App with Video and Chat for iOS

In this tutorial, we'll build the basis of a Telemedicine app for iOS using Stream Chat, to deliver fully featured chat components, and Dolby.io, to deliver quality audio and video. Both solutions provide HIPAA compliance. By the end, we'll have an application similar to the screenshots below. As a bonus, it's compatible with both light
5 min read