Beginner Tutorial: Build a Discord-Like Application with

0 min read

Watch Vadim Savin, CEO of notJust Development, demonstrate how to build a Discord clone with Stream Chat.

Jenna B.
Jenna B.
Published February 28, 2022

Vadim Savin is the CEO of notJust Development, an excellent online resource for those seeking to learn how to code. In this tutorial for beginners, Savin demonstrates how to build a Discord clone application with fully-featured messaging powered by Stream’s React Native Chat SDK with a customized UI to match Discord’s look and feel.

Follow along to learn how to build a chat functionality with all of the features your users expect from an in-app messaging API, including reactions, replies, threads, URL previews, and more. “Every time I work with Stream’s SDKs it's pure joy,” says Savin. “Everything just magically works. I am impressed.”

Activate your free, no-strings-attached Stream Chat trial to follow along with Vadim Savin.

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