
LAST EDIT Oct 21 2024

Welcome to the Stream Automated Moderation Dashboard documentation

This documentation is designed to help you understand all the features and functionalities of the Stream AutoMod Dashboard. Here, you will find useful information such as setup guidelines, how to use the dashboard, troubleshooting tips, and frequently asked questions.

The documentation in this segment has been written for users of the AutoMod dashboard, specifically Content Moderators, Trust and Safety Professionals, Customer Support agents, Community Managers, and other individuals and teams that work to ensure the User Generated Content on their platforms abide by their content moderation rules.

If you are interested in developing on the AutoMod API, please see the AutoMod API documentation page.


AutoMod is currently available for current Stream Chat customers. If you want to use the AutoMod API and dashboard but are not a customer of Stream Chat, please contact our team.

The Stream AutoModeration Dashboard is the Moderator-facing graphical user interface for Stream AutoMod. Stream AutoMod is an advanced content moderation solution that uses state-of-the-art machine learning to automatically moderate your content. With our dashboard, you can easily configure AutoMod, moderate content generated by your users and streamline your moderation process.

If you have any questions or are facing problems regarding the Stream Automated Moderation Dashboard, please feel free to contact our support team. We are always here to help you.