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Version: v6

Customizing MessageListView Scrolling Behavior


By default our MessageListView disables scrolling behavior when there's a dialog present, specifically when an instance of DialogFragment is present in the hierarchy. This is due to our default set of components, in which we show an overlay on the MessageListView when the user selects a Message. If we allowed scrolling, users could scroll with the full screen overlay shown and that would result in poor user experience.

To mitigate this, we've added special handlers in the MessageListScrollHelper class, which controls the internal scrolling behavior. Whenever a scroll occurs, the following piece of code is triggered:

override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) {
super.onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView, newState)

if (disableScrollWhenShowingDialog) { // 1

private fun stopScrollIfPopupShown(recyclerView: RecyclerView) {
val fragmentManager = recyclerView.context.getFragmentManager() ?: return
val hasDialogsShown = fragmentManager.fragments.any { it is DialogFragment } // 2

if (hasDialogsShown) {
recyclerView.stopScroll() // 3

In the inner piece of code we check if there are any DialogFragments active, and if so, we stop the active scroll. It consists of three steps:

  1. We first check the style-based flag, which we'll describe in a moment.
  2. We check if there are any active DialogFragments in the current context, which should refer to your application.
  3. If hasDialogsShown is true, we tell the RecyclerView to stop scrolling.

However, this behavior might not be what works for your use case, but it's still the default as this is the most commonly requested behavior. But you can customize it.

Overriding the Default Scrolling Behavior

If you need to enable scrolling, regardless of dialogs in your app, you can customize the default scrolling behavior to enable scrolls even if there is a DialogFragment active. For example, if you have bottom-sheet-style persistent dialogs, permanent popups or your MessageListView lives within a DialogFragment itself.

To do so, you have to override a specific style attribute in the MessageListView, like so:

... // Other attributes
app:streamUiDisableScrollWhenShowingDialog="false" // here

By adding the streamUiDisableScrollWhenShowingDialog flag to the MessageListView in your layout files, you can override the default scrolling behavior. Alternatively, you can use style transformations to update the flag programmatically, before the View is rendered:

TransformStyle.messageListStyleTransformer = StyleTransformer { defaultViewStyle ->
disableScrollWhenShowingDialog = false

The transformers should be set before the views are rendered to make sure that the new style was applied.

Using either of these two approaches will result in a MessageListView which will allow scrolling even if there are dialogs currently present on the screen, as seen in the GIF below.


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