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Version: v6

Offline and State Plugins

Stream Android Chat SDK v6 brings several enhancements and changes to the plugin architecture. In this migration guide, we'll walk you through the key modifications and provide instructions on how to adapt your existing codebase to the new version.

Architecture Changes

To enhance architectural flexibility, the StreamStatePluginFactory has been separated from the StreamOfflinePluginFactory. It now functions as an independent plugin factory, allowing developers to decouple state and persistence functionalities and customize their chat applications with greater precision.

Offline Plugin

The first notable change is the removal of the class. This class has been deleted since StreamOfflinePluginFactory no longer requires a Config parameter. Instead, the configuration for the offline functionality can now be controlled by including or excluding the StreamOfflinePluginFactory in the list of plugins when configuring your ChatClient.

In addition, parameters that were previously included in the Config have been removed from the SDK as well:

  • The useSequentialEventHandler flag has been removed from the Stream Android Chat SDK as the sequential event handling mechanism is now the sole option available. This change ensures a streamlined event processing flow, resulting in a more seamless and robust chat experience within your applications.
  • The persistenceEnabled flag has been removed since the persistence functionality is now controlled by including or excluding the StreamOfflinePluginFactory in the ChatClient plugins.

Moreover, the uploadAttachmentsNetworkType parameter has been moved from the Config to the ChatClient. Furthermore, the UploadAttachmentsNetworkType class has been transferred from stream-chat-android-state to stream-chat-android-core. Along with this migration, the package of the UploadAttachmentsNetworkType class has been changed from to


The purpose of the Offline plugin was narrowed down to providing offline support (persistence layer) for the chat functionality.

Here is how StreamOfflinePluginFactory is now initialized:

val offlinePluginFactory = StreamOfflinePluginFactory(context)

Here is where uploadAttachmentsNetworkType parameter is passed now:



ChatClient.Builder(apiKey, context)
// uploadAttachmentsNetworkType is passed here.

State Plugin

The StreamStatePluginFactory has been separated from the StreamOfflinePluginFactory and now exists as a distinct, independent plugin factory. This deliberate decision allows for better modularity and independent control over each plugin's functionalities.

Some flags, such as backgroundSyncEnabled and userPresence of the offline plugin's Config have been migrated to StatePluginConfig:



// Enables the background sync which is performed to sync user actions done without the Internet connection.
backgroundSyncEnabled = true,
// Enables the ability to receive information about user activity such as last active date and if they are online right now.
userPresence = true,

Let's summarize all the initialization changes in the one place

Here is the way the ChatClient initialization looked in v5:

val offlinePluginFactory = StreamOfflinePluginFactory(
config = Config(
// Enables the background sync which is performed to sync user actions done without the Internet connection.
backgroundSyncEnabled = true,
// Enables the ability to receive information about user activity such as last active date and if they are online right now.
userPresence = true,
// Enables using the database as an internal caching mechanism.
persistenceEnabled = true,
// An enumeration of various network types used as a constraint inside upload attachments worker.
uploadAttachmentsNetworkType = UploadAttachmentsNetworkType.NOT_ROAMING,
// Whether the SDK will use a new sequential event handling mechanism.
useSequentialEventHandler = false,
appContext = context,

ChatClient.Builder(apiKey, context)

Here is the way the ChatClient initialization looks in v6:

val statePluginFactory = StreamStatePluginFactory(
appContext = context,
config = StatePluginConfig(
// Enables the background sync which is performed to sync user actions done without the Internet connection.
backgroundSyncEnabled = true,
// Enables the ability to receive information about user activity such as last active date and if they are online right now.
userPresence = true,

val offlinePluginFactory = StreamOfflinePluginFactory(context)

ChatClient.Builder(apiKey, context)
.withPlugins(statePluginFactory, offlinePluginFactory)
// An enumeration of various network types used as a constraint inside upload attachments worker.

List of affected imports

The following list includes the public classes whose packages have been affected by the mentioned changes above:






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