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Version: v6


Previously, ChannelsScreen component was internally creating ChannelViewModelFactory by utilizing the given component parameters. In the new version, you are required to provide a ChannelViewModelFactory instance to ChannelsScreen, which will be used for creating the required ViewModels.

Component Parameters

Since the ChannelViewModelFactory is passed directly to the ChannelsScreen component, the following parameters were removed from ChannelsScreen component:

  • filters: FilterObject? = null - Default filters for channels. By passing in null to the ViewModel, we show messaging channels where the current user is a member.
  • querySort: QuerySorter<Channel> = QuerySortByField.descByName("last_updated") - Default query sort for channels.
  • channelLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_LIMIT - The limit of channels queried per page.
  • memberLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MEMBER_LIMIT - The limit of members requested per channel.
  • messageLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LIMIT - The limit of messages requested per channel item.

The ChannelsScreen signature in v5 looked like this:

public fun ChannelsScreen(
filters: FilterObject? = null,
querySort: QuerySorter<Channel> = QuerySortByField.descByName("last_updated"),
title: String = "Stream Chat",
isShowingHeader: Boolean = true,
isShowingSearch: Boolean = false,
channelLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_LIMIT,
memberLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MEMBER_LIMIT,
messageLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LIMIT,
onHeaderActionClick: () -> Unit = {},
onHeaderAvatarClick: () -> Unit = {},
onItemClick: (Channel) -> Unit = {},
onViewChannelInfoAction: (Channel) -> Unit = {},
onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {},

And the signature of ChannelsScreen in v6 looks like this:

public fun ChannelsScreen(
viewModelFactory: ChannelViewModelFactory = ChannelViewModelFactory(),
title: String = "Stream Chat",
isShowingHeader: Boolean = true,
isShowingSearch: Boolean = false,
onHeaderActionClick: () -> Unit = {},
onHeaderAvatarClick: () -> Unit = {},
onItemClick: (Channel) -> Unit = {},
onViewChannelInfoAction: (Channel) -> Unit = {},
onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {},

More Information

You can find more docs about the ChannelsScreen component and its' customization here.

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