User Presence

Besides configuring to receive user presence events in the State plugin, you can also customize how user presence is displayed in the UI for both, the currently logged-in user and other users.

The UserPresence class allows you to configure the online indicator and whether a user should be counted as an online member.


When using the Compose UI Components, you can customize the user presence in the ChatTheme composable.

    userPresence = UserPresence(
        // Customize the user presence of the current user.
        currentUser = UserPresence.DisplayOptions(
            showOnlineIndicator = true,
            countAsOnlineMember = true,
        // Customize the user presence of other users.
        otherUsers = UserPresence.DisplayOptions(
            showOnlineIndicator = true,
            countAsOnlineMember = true,
) {
    // Your UI content
The default configuration has all the options enabled for both the current user and other users.


Some examples of how the user presence can be configured:

Show online indicator ✅
Count as online user ❌
Show online indicator ❌
Count as online user ❌
Show online indicator ✅
Count as online user ✅
Show online indicator ❌
Count as online user ✅
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