Product : Announcements

Guide to Getting Started with Stream

In this short tutorial, we will examine the steps involved in creating your first application on Stream. We will create a new account, select a product and API key, and learn the basics of your first API call. Creating a New Account  On Stream, a single account gives you access to all products, Chat, Activity
5 min read

Introducing Stream's Campaigns API

We at Stream are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Campaigns API! Sending messages to a large group of users or channels and personalizing those messages with rich templating, attachments, and custom data is now easier for developers and businesses than ever before. For Campaigns with under 1,000 users, our API enables you
2 min read

Introducing Threads 2.0

Threads are a popular feature among mainstream chat applications and a great way to focus the conversation without cluttering up a user’s main feed and channel. Apps like Discord and Slack have set the bar regarding user experience and the features or behavior people expect when using threads. Today, Stream is releasing several improvements to
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10 New Video & Audio Releases: New Livestream UI Components, Calling Performance Enhancements, SwiftUI Example Project, & More

With new releases stacking up across our frontend SDKs and central platform infrastructure, there’s never been a better time to start building with Video & Audio from Stream. In just the last few weeks, our engineering teams have shipped the 10 updates you see below, with plenty more on the way. Highlights include new live
4 min read

Stream Chat Flutter v5: Announcing Desktop and Web Support

It’s always been possible to build beautiful chat applications on desktop and web using Flutter and Stream Chat with our core or low-level client chat packages. But, users can now target desktop and web using our UI package, enabling you to get the complete Stream Chat experience regardless of platform. Version 5.0.0 has been overhauled
4 min read

What’s New in Stream Chat React Native v5?

Over the last few months, our React Native team has been making substantial improvements to the React Native Chat SDK. Among bug fixes and other minor changes, this release introduces two new features: offline support and enhanced debugging capabilities. Offline Support Offline support has been one of our most requested features, and we’re thrilled to
3 min read

Introducing Video Attachments for Stream’s React Native Chat SDK

Stream is excited to announce a new version of our React Native Chat SDK. This release makes it easy to add full video file/attachment support out of the box to your chat application without needing to go through a time-consuming SDK upgrade. Your end users can now upload, send, and play videos to make their
3 min read

Announcing Stream Firebase Extensions for Chat and Feeds

Improving developers' lives is one of the primary goals at Stream--from our SDKs, tooling, and documentation, we always work with our community to build features developers love using. Today, we are excited to share a project we have been working on with the team at Firebase. Together, we created not one but three Firebase Extensions
2 min read