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Voice Recording

Stream Chat's SwiftUI SDK allows you to record and share async voice messages in your channels. The voice recordings have a built-in attachment type (as defined here).


Voice Recordings on SwiftUI are available since version 4.46.0.

Voice recording is disabled by default. In order to enable it, you should setup the isVoiceRecordingEnabled property to true, when setting up the StreamChat client:

let utils = Utils(
composerConfig: ComposerConfig(isVoiceRecordingEnabled: true)
let streamChat = StreamChat(chatClient: chatClient, utils: utils)

Recording UI Flows

The voice recording feature supports several different UI flows.


When the user long presses on the voice recording button longer than 1 second, the recording is started. In that case, while the button is still pressed, the recording view is shown.

The recording view provides the following actions:

  • add the recording to the composer input (invoked when releasing the long press button)
  • slide to cancel (invoked when you drag to the slide to cancel indicator)
  • lock the recording (invoked when drag towards the lock button)

In order to replace this view with your own implementation, you can implement the following ViewFactory method.

public func makeComposerRecordingView(
viewModel: MessageComposerViewModel,
gestureLocation: CGPoint
) -> some View {
CustomRecordingView(viewModel: MessageComposerViewModel, location: gestureLocation)

Locked View

When the user decides to lock the recording, LockedView is presented. It provides the user the following actions:

  • discard the recording - the user is back to the initial state.
  • stop the recording - the user goes into the recording preview state.
  • confirm the recording - the recording is added to the composer input.

If you want to replace this view with your own implementation, you can implement the following method.

public func makeComposerRecordingLockedView(
viewModel: MessageComposerViewModel
) -> some View {
CustomLockedView(viewModel: viewModel)

Preview Recording

If you stop the recording, the LockedView goes into a preview state. This means that there's no recording in progress, but you can still both discard or confirm the recording. Additionally, you can play the recording.

Recording Tip View

If you press and release the voice recording button for less than 1 second, a tip view is presented. If you want to customize this view, you can implement the following method in the ViewFactory.

public func makeComposerRecordingTipView() -> some View {

Voice Recording Attachment

When a message with a voice recording attachment is sent, it appears in the message list with a voice recording specific user interface.

If you want to change the default UI, you should implement the makeVoiceRecordingView in the ViewFactory.

public func makeVoiceRecordingView(
for message: ChatMessage,
isFirst: Bool,
availableWidth: CGFloat,
scrolledId: Binding<String?>
) -> some View {
message: message,
width: availableWidth,
isFirst: isFirst,
scrolledId: scrolledId

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