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Audio Analysis

The StreamChat framework ships with tools that enable you to analyze audio files and extract data points that can be used to visualize your files.


Audio Analysis is available since version 4.32.0.

The AudioAnalysisEngine that ships by default with the SDK, can extract data points for the waveform visualization of an audio file.


waveformVisualisation(fromAudioURL audioURL: URL, for targetSamples: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<[Float], Error>) -> Void)

Analyses the file located in the audioURL and calculates its waveform representation limited to the number of requested targetSamples.

waveformVisualisation(fromLiveAudioURL audioURL: URL, for targetSamples: Int) throws -> [Float]

Analyses the live recording file located in the audioURL and calculates its waveform representation limited to the number of requested targetSamples.


Errors thrown by AudioAnalysisEngine are instances of the AudioAnalysisEngineError error class and you can see references to all of them below:


An error occurred when the Audio track cannot be loaded from the AudioFile provided.


An error occurred when the AudioFormatDescriptions cannot be loaded from the AudioFile provided.

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