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Message List Alignment

Some apps, like Slack, have all the messages aligned on the left - they don't put the current user's messages on the right.

Screenshot of the left aligned message list.

Stream's SwiftUI chat SDK can also support this case, with a simple configuration change.

The change needs to be done in the MessageListConfig, more specifically the messageListAlignment, which needs to be set to .leftAligned.

let utils = Utils(
messageListConfig: MessageListConfig(messageListAlignment: .leftAligned)
let streamChat = StreamChat(chatClient: chatClient, utils: utils)

That code will align all messages on the left.

Additionally, some apps cover the full available width for longer messages. You can control this by the spacerWidth closure in the MessageDisplayOptions.

The spacerWidth tells the message list how much space of the available width should be left empty. The default value is quarter of the available width.

You can change this to a small value (or 0), if you want to cover as much as possible of the available width.

Here's an example on how to accomplish that.

let messageDisplayOptions = MessageDisplayOptions(spacerWidth: { _ in
return 20
let utils = Utils(
messageListConfig: MessageListConfig(
messageDisplayOptions: messageDisplayOptions,
messageListAlignment: .leftAligned
let streamChat = StreamChat(chatClient: chatClient, utils: utils)

The end result will look like this.

Screenshot of the left aligned message list with max width.

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