Tutorials: Compose Chat (2)

Building Custom Message List Items With Compose

The Stream Chat SDK for Jetpack Compose makes extensive use of slot APIs, which allow you to provide pieces of Composable layout that you can then use within one of the chat components provided by the SDK. For this post, you'll use the MessageList component and its itemContentparameter to completely change how message items are
5 min read

Sending Custom Chat Attachments With Jetpack Compose

Specifically, this tutorial will cover: What an AttachmentFactory is Creating a custom AttachmentFactory Customizing Stream Compose UI Components Sending custom files as attachments Adding previews for your custom attachment Note: Stream recently announced their Jetpack Compose UI components, which are currently in beta. This follows the announcement of the stable version of Jetpack Compose. You
9 min read

Building a Chat App With ChatKit for Android

Did you know you can integrate Stream’s Android SDK with other open-source libraries? To show you just how easy it is, in this tutorial you’ll leverage data from Stream’s Chat API to power the messaging UI from ChatKit. Specifically, this tutorial will cover: Stream Setup Implementing the ChatKit Interfaces Building the Channels Screen Building the
9 min read

Jetpack Compose vs. XML-based UI Components for Stream Chat

Stream now offers two separate Android UI implementations that you can use to integrate Stream’s Chat API with your app: Compose UI Components (preferable if you’re using Jetpack Compose) UI Components (preferable if you’re building XML layouts) In almost all cases, you should use the library that’s native to the rest of your app’s UI.
3 min read

Creating a Jetpack Compose Example App

Stream now provides a fully-featured Jetpack Compose Chat SDK that you can use instead of the basic approach described in this article. Check out the Compose Chat Messaging Tutorial and give it a try today! Intro and context In our previous article about Jetpack Compose, we shared our initial impressions and recommended some learning resources.
11 min read