Engineering: Open Source
The Ultimate Guide to Open Source
Introduction In the modern software world, open-source projects have gained immense value, helping conserve significant resources in software development. Open-source solutions have played pivotal roles in the success of startups, aiding them in various aspects, from optimizing development resources for timely project launches to occasionally contributing to business strategies. As more companies integrate open-source software
11 min read
Becoming A Successful Open-Source Librarian
The open-source software ecosystem is in a constant state of growth. Every day, new libraries and solutions are introduced on GitHub that are designed to accelerate development speed and make our lives as developers easier. Nowadays most companies, especially startups, are highly dependent on open-source libraries. They reduce development resources needed and have been a
17 min read
Stream Loves Open Source: Aug 2022
At Stream, we rely on open source to build our products and SDKs. In this article, we want to take the time to highlight some of our favorite projects and maintainers ❤️. The key takeaway of this article is to support open source projects you rely on in any way you can. We can all
6 min read
Stream 💙 Open Source: February
Take a look at our updated article for August 2022 on our latest OSS contributions. Open source is at the heart of nearly all projects built today. From rockets on Mars to next-gen chat and feeds, they all rely on the software created and maintained by developers worldwide. At Stream, we not only love developers, but
1 min read
Deploy HTTP Services Written in Swift to AWS in Seconds
Recently, Apple announced the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime. It's now possible to write self-contained functions that run on AWS using the same Swift you use for iOS development. This lets you not only reuse the knowledge you already have of Swift, but also share code between the server and client. However, everything is still a
1 min read
Streamoji - Custom Emoji Library for iOS UITextView
Custom emojis are a fun way to bring more life and customizability to your apps. They're available in some of the most popular apps, such Slack, Discord, and Twitch. However, iOS SDK doesn't provide straight forward support for custom emojis out of the box. Now, you're a couple lines of code away from adding them
2 min read
Takeaways on Building a React Based App with Electron
Earlier this year, Stream launched Winds 2.0, an open-source and native application for macOS, Windows, and Linux, which provides an entirely new way to consume RSS feeds and Podcasts. It was our first time building a native application, so we chose to go with Electron, a framework for creating cross-platform applications. In addition to Electron,
8 min read