Announcing v2.0 of the Stream Chat Flutter SDK

Upgrade to the latest major version of the Stream Chat Flutter SDK to add null safety and improve performance and stability.

Mike R.
Mike R.
Published August 5, 2021

Stream is excited to announce a new major version of our Flutter Chat SDK, giving developers in the Flutter community even more flexibility to add any type of chat or messaging experience to any type of mobile app. This release improves performance and reliability and makes it easy to add international language support.

New to Stream? Learn more about the tools available to you in the Stream Chat Flutter SDK. Current users ready to upgrade to the latest version can skip to the migration guide.

What’s New in 2.0 & 2.1

If you’re already familiar with the Stream Flutter SDK, you’ll notice the following improvements in the latest release.

  • Null Safety - All packages now support null safety by default. Null safety allows your apps to run faster with fewer errors and with less code.
  • Overhauled Documentation - All of the docs for the Stream Chat Flutter SDK have been edited line by line, reorganized, and rewritten where necessary to account for common challenges and improve navigation. We’ve also added full-text search.
  • Improved Stability - The stream_chat_flutter package went through a major refactor to maximize reliability and performance.
  • Localization - Our 2.1 release is now available, adding support for localized strings to make sure your app displays the correct language for the region where it’s deployed. English, Hindi, Italian, and French are available now, with more languages on the way and the ability to override existing localizations. Here’s how to add localization.

Upgrade to the New Stream Chat Flutter SDK

Given the performance and reliability improvements afforded by the refactor and by the addition of null safety, we recommend that Stream Chat Flutter SDK users upgrade to the new version at their earliest convenience. The switch is easy to make and should only take a few minutes. Here’s how to migrate to v2.0 from your existing version.

split screen showing in-app message translation from english to italian

Why Develop In-App Chat With Stream & Flutter?

Just discovering Stream Chat? Our complete set of developer tools (chat API, SDKs, and UI kits) makes it easy and fast to add a custom chat or messaging experience to any type of application. Stream’s proven backend infrastructure supports more than a billion end users and can scale to over 5 million concurrent connections in a single channel, so you never have to worry about performance as your user base grows.

Stream’s Flutter SDK comes with reusable UI components and a low-level SDK combined in a simple sample app. You can borrow and tweak the sample app or use it for inspiration as you create something different. Stream gives you everything you need to develop a functioning chat app with Flutter that supports reactions, rich messages, image and video uploads, threads, and more.

Activate Your Free-Forever Stream Maker Account

Did you know that the full suite of Stream Chat tools is available completely free to developers for personal use and qualifying early stage projects? Complete your 30-second application for a Stream Maker Account and start coding today.

For commercial projects, Stream Chat is available on a variety of pricing plans designed to accommodate organizations of all sizes, from the world’s largest enterprises to new startups. To evaluate Stream for your business and begin prototyping your integration, activate your free Stream Chat trial.

Integrating Video with your App?
We've built a Video and Audio solution just for you. Check out our APIs and SDKs.
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