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React Native Social Network

Create a social network in just a couple of easy steps with our React Native components. React Native Activity Feed on Github. Speed up your development with feeds as a service.

Build Social Media Networks with React Native

Whether you want to build an app like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook we have you covered. Stream's React Native Components enable you to build newsfeeds right into your social app.

React Native Activity Feed components help you build your news feed and improve your app's engagement, retention and conversion.

With years of building and maintaining large scale feeds; we’ve solved some of the hardest problems when it comes to speed and reliability. We've now used all that knowledge to create the same experience for front-end developers and front-end-frameworks. We made it super easy to get up and running with React Native and Stream.

Creating timelines with React Native and the Stream API

Using React Native it’s super easy to make a cross platform app. Now with our components it’s super easy to build a social media network app including timelines and newsfeeds in just a couple of steps.

With React Native, you don't build a "mobile web app", an "HTML5 app", or a "hybrid app". You build a real mobile app that's indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.

Fast development

React.js is the leading front-end Javascript framework that let’s you build reactive applications that are scalable. With React Native front-end web developers are now able to code native cross platform apps without jumping through hoops to learn a new language, at it’s core it’s all JavaScript.


Because React Native is just Javascript you can use any Javascript library you want. From Lodash to the most obscure package. This makes developing apps with React Native super quick.

Getting started: how-to build a social network with React Native

Next Steps

React Native Activity Feed Documentation

Example App

React Native Turorial

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