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Lobby Preview

The lobby view shows a preview of the call, and it lets users configure their audio/video before joining a call. Our SwiftUI SDK already provides a LobbyView that you can directly use in your apps.

In this cookbook, we will see how to implement this by yourself, while relying on some lower-level components from the StreamVideo SDK.

Custom LobbyView

First, let's define the CustomLobbyView:

public struct CustomLobbyView: View {

@StateObject var viewModel: LobbyViewModel
@StateObject var microphoneChecker = MicrophoneChecker()

var callId: String
var callType: String
@Binding var callSettings: CallSettings
var onJoinCallTap: () -> ()
var onCloseLobby: () -> ()

public init(
callId: String,
callType: String,
callSettings: Binding<CallSettings>,
onJoinCallTap: @escaping () -> (),
onCloseLobby: @escaping () -> ()
) {
self.callId = callId
self.callType = callType
self.onJoinCallTap = onJoinCallTap
self.onCloseLobby = onCloseLobby
_callSettings = callSettings
_viewModel = StateObject(
wrappedValue: LobbyViewModel(
callType: callType,
callId: callId

public var body: some View {
viewModel: viewModel,
microphoneChecker: microphoneChecker,
callId: callId,
callType: callType,
callSettings: $callSettings,
onJoinCallTap: onJoinCallTap,
onCloseLobby: onCloseLobby

Next, let's define the CustomLobbyContentView:

struct CustomLobbyContentView: View {

@Injected(\.images) var images
@Injected(\.colors) var colors
@Injected(\.streamVideo) var streamVideo

@ObservedObject var viewModel: LobbyViewModel
@ObservedObject var microphoneChecker: MicrophoneChecker

var callId: String
var callType: String
@Binding var callSettings: CallSettings
var onJoinCallTap: () -> ()
var onCloseLobby: () -> ()

var body: some View {
GeometryReader { reader in
ZStack {
VStack {
Text("Before Joining")

Text("Setup your audio and video")

viewModel: viewModel,
microphoneChecker: microphoneChecker,
callSettings: callSettings,
availableSize: reader.size

if microphoneChecker.isSilent {
Text("Your microphone doesn't seem to be working. Make sure you have all permissions accepted.")

CallSettingsView(callSettings: $callSettings)

callId: callId,
callType: callType,
callParticipants: viewModel.participants,
onJoinCallTap: onJoinCallTap

TopRightView {
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "xmark")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.onAppear {
viewModel.startCamera(front: true)
.onDisappear {

Next, let's explore the CameraCheckView, which checks the video/audio capabilities of the current user:

struct CameraCheckView: View {

@Injected(\.images) var images
@Injected(\.colors) var colors
@Injected(\.streamVideo) var streamVideo

@ObservedObject var viewModel: LobbyViewModel
@ObservedObject var microphoneChecker: MicrophoneChecker
var callSettings: CallSettings
var availableSize: CGSize

var body: some View {
Group {
if let image = viewModel.viewfinderImage, callSettings.videoOn {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: availableSize.width - 32, height: cameraSize)
.accessibility(identifier: "cameraCheckView")
.streamAccessibility(value: "1")
} else {
ZStack {
.frame(width: availableSize.width - 32, height: cameraSize)

if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
UserAvatar(imageURL: streamVideo.user.imageURL, size: 80)
.accessibility(identifier: "cameraCheckView")
.streamAccessibility(value: "0")
.opacity(callSettings.videoOn ? 0 : 1)
.frame(width: availableSize.width - 32, height: cameraSize)
VStack {
HStack {
audioLevels: microphoneChecker.audioLevels,
microphoneOn: callSettings.audioOn,
isSilent: microphoneChecker.isSilent,
isPinned: false
.accessibility(identifier: "microphoneCheckView")

private var cameraSize: CGFloat {
if viewModel.participants.count > 0 {
return availableSize.height / 2 - 64
} else {
return availableSize.height / 2

Here, we are using the MicrophoneCheckView and the ConnectionQualityIndicator from the SwiftUI SDK. They display the microphone state and the network quality of the current user. You can implement your own versions of these views, in case you want a different UI.

Next, we have the CallSettingsView, which shows the controls for changing the audio and video state of the user in the call:

struct CallSettingsView: View {

@Injected(\.images) var images

@Binding var callSettings: CallSettings

private let iconSize: CGFloat = 50

var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 32) {
Button {
callSettings = CallSettings(
audioOn: !callSettings.audioOn,
videoOn: callSettings.videoOn,
speakerOn: callSettings.speakerOn
} label: {
icon: (callSettings.audioOn ? images.micTurnOn : images.micTurnOff),
size: iconSize,
iconStyle: (callSettings.audioOn ? .primary : .transparent)
.accessibility(identifier: "microphoneToggle")
.streamAccessibility(value: callSettings.audioOn ? "1" : "0")

Button {
callSettings = CallSettings(
audioOn: callSettings.audioOn,
videoOn: !callSettings.videoOn,
speakerOn: callSettings.speakerOn
} label: {
icon: (callSettings.videoOn ? images.videoTurnOn : images.videoTurnOff),
size: iconSize,
iconStyle: (callSettings.videoOn ? .primary : .transparent)
.accessibility(identifier: "cameraToggle")
.streamAccessibility(value: callSettings.videoOn ? "1" : "0")

In this view, we are using the CallIconView component from the SwiftUI SDK, for displaying the mic and camera icons. This view updates the CallSettings provided as a @Binding, based on the user's selections.

Next, we need the JoinCallView, which displays the button that allows users to join the call:

struct JoinCallView: View {

@Injected(\.colors) var colors

var callId: String
var callType: String
var callParticipants: [User]
var onJoinCallTap: () -> ()

var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 16) {
Text("You are about to join a call.")
.accessibility(identifier: "otherParticipantsCount")
.streamAccessibility(value: "\(otherParticipantsCount)")

if #available(iOS 14, *) {
if callParticipants.count > 0 {
callParticipants: callParticipants

Button {
} label: {
Text("Join Call")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.accessibility(identifier: "joinCall")
.frame(height: 50)

private var otherParticipantsCount: Int {
let count = callParticipants.count - 1
if count > 0 {
return count
} else {
return 0

Finally, let's see the view that displays the users that are already in the call:

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
struct ParticipantsInCallView: View {

struct ParticipantInCall: Identifiable {
let id: String
let user: User

var callParticipants: [User]

var participantsInCall: [ParticipantInCall] {
var result = [ParticipantInCall]()
for (index, participant) in callParticipants.enumerated() {
let id = "\(index)-\("
let participant = ParticipantInCall(id: id, user: participant)
return result

private let viewSize: CGFloat = 64

var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 4) {
Text("There are \(callParticipants.count) more people in the call.")

ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHStack {
ForEach(participantsInCall) { participant in
VStack {
imageURL: participant.user.imageURL,
size: 40
.frame(width: viewSize, height: viewSize)

With that, we have a similar implementation to our default LobbyView, while reusing most of our low-level components and capabilities. Since this would be a custom implementation in your own app, you can easily modify it to suit your needs.

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