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Long Press to Focus

The StreamVideo SDK allows for interactive and intuitive user engagement during calls. Implementing a long press gesture to focus your local participant's video feed can significantly enhance the user experience.


  • Focus Implementation: Focus on the specified point on your video feed.
  • Gesture Recognition: Detect a long press or a tap on a participant's video feed.
  • User Experience: Intuitive interaction for a more immersive call experience.

Implementing Long Press to Focus

Focusing on a point in the Video Feed

In order to focus the camera at the desired point, we need to forward the request to the WebRTC videoCapturer. Before we do that we need to create a call and then join it:

// Create the call with the callType and id
let call = "default", callId: "123")

// Create the call on server side
let creationResult = try await call.create()

// Join the call
let joinResult = try await call.join()

Once we are in the call, we can leverage the StreamVideo SDK to focus on a specific point on our local video stream:

// Retrieve the desired focus point(e.g using a tap or longPress gesture)
let focusPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50)

// and pass it to our call
try call.focus(at: focusPoint)

It's worth mentioning here that:

  1. The focus on a point depends on the device's capabilities as the camera needs to support it.
  2. We can only set the focus point for our local video stream and not for any of the other participants.

Detecting the Long Press Gesture

You can find an implementation that we are using in our Demo app to focus on long press. To achieve that we are using the following ViewModifier:

struct LongPressToFocusViewModifier: ViewModifier {

var availableFrame: CGRect

var handler: (CGPoint) -> Void

func body(content: Content) -> some View {
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.5)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local))
.onEnded { value in
switch value {
case .second(true, let drag):
if let location = drag?.location {

func convertToPointOfInterest(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
x: point.y / availableFrame.height,
y: 1.0 - point.x / availableFrame.width

We can then define a View extension to allow us easily use the ViewModifier:

extension View {
func longPressToFocus(
availableFrame: CGRect,
handler: @escaping (CGPoint) -> Void
) -> some View {
availableFrame: availableFrame,
handler: handler

Modifying the UI SDK

In order to use our ViewModifier and we can leverage the ViewFactory that the SDK ships with. By subclassing it we can override the method that provides the VideoCallParticipantModifier like below:

func makeVideoParticipantView(
participant: CallParticipant,
id: String,
availableFrame: CGRect,
contentMode: UIView.ContentMode,
customData: [String : RawJSON],
call: Call?
) -> some View {
participant: participant,
id: id,
availableFrame: availableFrame,
contentMode: contentMode,
customData: customData,
call: call
.longPressToFocus(availableFrame: availableFrame) {
guard call?.state.sessionId == participant.sessionId else { return } // We are using this to only allow long pressing on our local video feed
try? call?.focus(at: $0)


Implementing a long press to focus feature enhances user interaction, allowing participants to easily highlight and engage in a StreamVideo call. With customization options available developers have the flexibility to create a tailored and intuitive user experience.

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