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If your app supports multiple languages, the StreamVideo SDK has support for localizations. For example, you can add more languages, or you can change translations for the existing texts used throughout the SDK.

Adding a New Language

  1. If you don't have strings or stringsdict files in your project, add those new files to Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict.
  2. Next add new language to the project.
  3. Copy the StreamVideoUI localization keys into your strings and stringsdict files.
  4. Set the localizationProvider to provide your Bundle instead of the one provided by StreamVideoSwiftUI SDK (as early as possible in the App life-cylce, for example in the AppDelegate):
Appearance.localizationProvider = { key, table in
Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: table)
  1. Now, you're ready to implement your strings and stringsdict files for different languages.

We recommend naming your strings and stringsdict files: Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict.

Override Existing Languages

Overriding the existing language works in the same as adding a new language.


Every string included in StreamVideo can be changed and translated to a different language. All strings used by UI components are in these two files:

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