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The ConnectionQualityIndicator allows you to display the connection quality of a call for a certain participant. It's fairly simple and takes in a ConnectionQuality value to define how good the connection is. This value depends on the data the user sends and receives from the call server.

It's helpful for users to know if their connection quality is poor, because you can show custom UI and messages to the user in case they're not aware.

Let's see how to use the component.


Before joining a call

Before the user joins the call, the network quality is determined on the client side, from the SDK, by sending latency checks to the SFU that will host the call for the user.

This is already handled in our LobbyView. However, if you want to create your own version of a lobby view, you can use our LobbyViewModel, for getting information about the current user's network quality.

This information is available via the connectionQuality property in the LobbyViewModel. The connection quality property can have the following values:

public enum ConnectionQuality: Sendable {
case unknown
case poor
case good
case excellent

You can build your own UI to display this value, or use our default ConnectionQualityIndicator view. The ConnectionQualityIndicator view expects the connectionQuality parameter, and changes its UI depending on the value. Here's an example usage:

ConnectionQualityIndicator(connectionQuality: participant.connectionQuality)

Additionally, you can change the size and the width of the connection quality ticks, by passing the size and width parameters to the ConnectionQualityIndicator view.

Network quality in a call

When you are in a call, the network quality for each participant is delivered from the server. It's available via the connectionQuality property for each CallParticipant.

By default, the SwiftUI SDK displays this information in the VideoCallParticipantModifier, via the same ConnectionQualityIndicator as above.

If you wish to change this behaviour, you should implement the makeVideoCallParticipantModifier method and provide your own implementation that can modify or hide this view.

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