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The StreamVideo SDK has support for broadcasting calls. You can find a tutorial on how to implement broadcasting calls in our livestreaming tutorial.

Creating a call

First, you need to create a call with a user that has the capability to start broadcasting calls (start-broadcast-call).

let call = .default, callId: callId)
Task {
try await call.join()

The code above will create and join the call. If you just want to create it (and not join it), you can use the method create:

let call = try await call.create(members: members, custom: [:], startsAt: Date(), ring: false)

Start HLS

You can start HLS broadcasting a call, by calling the method startHLS:

try await call.startHLS()

After few seconds of setup, the call would be broadcasted, and you will receive an event called BroadcastingStartedEvent. Also, the state of the call would be updated - the broadcasting value would become true.

You can listen to the broadcasting events on the call by subscribing to its AsyncStream:

for await event in call.subscribe() {
switch event {
case .typeCallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent(let broadcastingStartedEvent):
log.debug("received an event \(broadcastingStartedEvent)")
/* handle recording event */
case .typeCallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent(let broadcastingStoppedEvent):
log.debug("received an event \(broadcastingStoppedEvent)")
/* handle recording event */

In the BroadcastingStartedEvent, you will receive the hlsPlaylistUrl, a URL that can be used by other participants to watch the broadcasting.

Stop HLS

When you are done with broadcasting, you should call the method stopHLS.

try await call.stopHLS()

This action will also send BroadcastingStoppedEvent to all participants who are watching the call.

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