Call & Participant State
Video Call State
When you join a call, we'll automatically expose observable objects in 3 different places:
let clientState = streamVideo.state
let callState = call.state
let participants = call.state.participants
Call State
The call state is kept in sync (updates are received) only when you join the call.
Here's an example of how you can access the call state:
let call = "default", callId: "mycall")
let joinResult = try await call.join(create: true)
// state is now available at
let state = call.state
The following fields are available on the call:
Attribute | Description |
participants | The list of call participants. |
localParticipant | Shortcut to your own participant state. |
remoteParticipants | The list of call participants other than yourself. |
activeSpeakers | The list of participants who are currently speaking. |
dominantSpeaker | The dominant speaker. |
members | The list of call members. |
screenSharingSession | If someone is screensharing, it will be available here. |
recordingState | if the call is being recorded or not. |
blockedUserIds | The user ids who are blocked from this call. |
settings | The settings for this call. |
ownCapabilities | Which actions you have permission to do. |
capabilitiesByRole | What different roles (user, admin, moderator etc.) are allowed to do. |
backstage | If a call is in backstage mode or not. |
broadcasting | If a call is broadcasting (to HLS) or not. |
createdAt | When the call was created. |
updatedAt | When the call was updated. |
startsAt | When the call is scheduled to start. |
endedAt | When the call ended. |
endedBy | User who ended the call. |
custom | Custom data on the call. |
team | Team that the call is restricted to. Default to null. |
createdBy | Who created the call. |
ingress | If there is an active ingress session to this call. IE if you're sending RTMP into the call |
transcribing | a boolean indicating if transciptions are active or or not for this call. |
egress | contains URL for playlist of recording. |
session | the session associated with the call. |
reconnectionStatus | whether the call is reconnecting. |
participantCount | number of participants connected to the call. |
duration | The duration of the call. |
statsReport | Returns stats of the call, updated every 5 seconds. |
Participant State
The CallParticipant
is the most essential component used to render a participant in a call. It contains all of the information to render a participant, such as audio & video renderers, availabilities of audio & video, the screen sharing session, reactions, and etc. Here's how you iterate over the participants:
// all participants
let cancellable = call.state.$participants.sink { participants in
// ..
// you
let localParticipant: CallParticipant? = call.state.localParticipant
The following fields are available on the participant:
Attribute | Description |
user | The User object for the participant. |
id | The unique call id of the participant. |
roles | The user's roles in the call. |
hasVideo | Returns whether the participant has video. |
hasAudio | Returns whether the participant has audio. |
isScreensharing | Returns whether the participant is screenSharing. |
track | Returns the participant's video track. |
trackSize | Returns the size of the track for the participant. |
screenshareTrack | Returns the screensharing track for the participant. |
showTrack | Returns whether the track should be shown. |
isSpeaking | Returns whether the participant is speaking. |
isDominantSpeaker | Returns whether the participant is a dominant speaker. |
sessionId | Returns whether the participant is speaking. |
connectionQuality | The participant's connection quality. |
joinedAt | Returns the date when the user joined the call. |
pin | Holds pinning information. |
isPinned | Returns whether the user is pinned. |
audioLevel | The audio level for the user. |
audioLevels | A list of the last 10 audio levels. Convenient for audio visualizations. |
Participants Sorting
If you want to change the default sorting of the participants, you can use the Call
object's method updateParticipantsSorting
Here's an example that will sort participants alphabetically, by their name:
let nameComparator: StreamSortComparator<CallParticipant> = {
comparison($0, $1, keyPath: \.name)
let call = callType, callId: callId)
call.updateParticipantsSorting(with: [nameComparator])
Client State
// client state is available on the client object
let state = streamVideo.state
And contains these fields:
Attribute | Description |
user | The user you're currently authenticated as. |
connection | The connection state. See ConnectionState. |
activeCall | The call you've currently joined. |
ringingCall | Contains the call if you're calling someone or someone is calling you. |