Noise Cancellation
Enabling your application to provide noise cancellation for the audio in the call can be very useful for your users. We understand though, that this can be a difficult feature to implement/support.
This is why, the StreamVideo SDK comes with support for AudioFilters. In addition we offer an easy to integrate package that provides a ready to use NoiseCancellation
using technology. You can read more about integrating the StreamVideoNoiseCancellation
SDK here.
With that in mind, we can build a simple UI element that will allow the user to toggle on/off the Noise Cancellation feature. The element will also take care of showing/hiding depending on the feature's availability.
struct NoiseCancellationButtonView: View {
@Injected(\.streamVideo) var streamVideo
@ObservedObject var viewModel: CallViewModel
@State var isNoiseCancellationAvailable = false
@State var isActive: Bool = false
init(viewModel: CallViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
if let mode = {
self.isNoiseCancellationAvailable = mode != .disabled
} else {
self.isNoiseCancellationAvailable = false
self.isActive = streamVideo.videoConfig.noiseCancellationFilter?.id == streamVideo.videoConfig.audioProcessingModule.activeAudioFilterId
var body: some View {
let call =, // Ensure we have an active call.
let noiseCancellationAudioFilter = streamVideo.videoConfig.noiseCancellationFilter, // Ensure that we have noiseCancellation audioFilter to activate.
streamVideo.isHardwareAccelerationAvailable // Ensure that the device supports Apple's neuralEngine.
Group {
if isNoiseCancellationAvailable {
Button {
if isActive {
isActive = false
} else {
isActive = true
} label: {
Label {
Text(isActive ? "Disable Noise Cancellation" : "Noise Cancellation")
} icon: {
systemName: isActive
? "waveform.path.ecg"
: "waveform.path"
.onReceive(call.state.$\.?.audio.noiseCancellation)) {
if let mode = $0?.mode {
isNoiseCancellationAvailable = mode != .disabled
} else {
isNoiseCancellationAvailable = false