Engineering: Android

The Android Platform: The 2022 Android Developer Roadmap – Part 1

The Android ecosystem is in a constant state of growth: Every day, new libraries and materials are introduced that are designed to accelerate development speed and make our lives as developers easier. The 2022 Android Developer Roadmap is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the current Android ecosystem and provides suggested learning paths
6 min read

Designing Effective UI Components in Jetpack Compose

Since Google announced the Jetpack Compose 1.0 stable release, many companies have adopted Jetpack Compose to leverage its numerous advantages. With Compose's widespread adoption across the Android ecosystem, libraries and SDKs have also begun integrating support for Compose. Traditionally, in XML-based projects, UI components were delivered as custom views with customizable options via attributes. While
12 min read

Exercise Caution When Using runBlocking on Android

As Kotlin continues to dominate as the preferred language for Android development, developers must understand its underlying mechanisms. One of Kotlin's standout features is its built-in support for asynchronous and non-blocking programming at the language level, offering developers powerful tools to build efficient and responsive applications. Coroutines in Kotlin can be created using coroutine builders—specialized
7 min read

Best Practices for Composition Patterns in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is a newly introduced declarative UI framework compared to other declarative UIs, and there hasn't been much research on specific design patterns for UI component composition. However, the React ecosystem has a strong history of creating and combining UI components. The UI design patterns used in React can also be adapted in Compose
14 min read

Build AI-Powered Chatbot Apps for Android Using Firebase

AI-powered chatbots are widely used across industries like education, food delivery, and now, even software development. Since the release of large language models (LLMs) from Google and OpenAI, implementing AI-powered chatbots in projects has become much more accessible. Google’s Generative AI offers substantial benefits by enabling content creation, personalization, decision support, and simulation, which improve
8 min read

A Developer’s Roadmap to Mastering Kotlin Multiplatform

In modern mobile development, cross-platform frameworks are gaining popularity because they offer key advantages, such as reducing the resources needed to develop separate native apps and maintaining code consistency across different platforms. By allowing developers to write shareable code, these frameworks enable faster development and easier maintenance, making them attractive not only to startups and
10 min read

Build Your First Android and iOS Mobile App With Kotlin Multiplatform

Cross-platform development provides significant advantages, especially in mobile development, where Android and iOS operate on fundamentally different ecosystems. Developing native apps for each platform can be resource-intensive since it requires separate developers with expertise in different programming languages (Kotlin for Android and Swift/Objective-C for iOS). Managing two distinct codebases also increases development and maintenance costs
6 min read

Design Server-Driven UI with Jetpack Compose and Firebase

The primary responsibility of mobile clients is to render components based on data received from the backend, which typically dictates what should be displayed. This means client-side developers must focus on two key tasks: understanding what to do with the data provided by the backend and how to do it by rendering the data into
15 min read