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Build Node JS Social Network

Power the backbone of your Node JS Social Network or app with the Stream API. Stream for Node client on Github. Speed up your app development.

Build Social Networks with Node

Whether you want to build a news feed like Twitter, Instagram, Spotify or Facebook we have you covered. Stream's Activity Feed API enables you to build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams.

Node Aggregated Feeds, Ranked Feeds, feed specific analytics and personalization all help you improve your social app's engagement, retention and conversion.

With years of building and maintaining large scale feeds as a service; we’ve solved some of the hardest problems when it comes to speed and reliability (especially for node.js). We’ve consistently matched (or beat) benchmarks for updates against the leading Node social networks online. Your data is backed up in multiple locations around the world, protecting your users and your business.

Working with Stream API in the JavaScript language for node.js

Node.js is the runtime environment that enabled JavaScript developers everywhere to create front-to-back web applications with a single programming language. It triggered a renaissance for the language and boosted it to become the most popular language in use today.

Node.js is built on the same V8 engine that’s included in Google’s Chrome browser. It is architected around an event loop and emphasises asynchronous, non-blocking I/O. Most importantly, it is well suited to building scalable applications such as social networks and dynamic apps with rich social media features.

Fast development

To accelerate development on the node.js runtime, several popular web frameworks and libraries have emerged. With a strong package manager, npm, in place early on in the life of Node, the developer community has tended toward smaller, focused libraries rather than all-in-one frameworks. As a result it’s far more common to integrate multiple single-purpose libraries when building with Node.


That said, there are also popular JavaScript frameworks like Express.js, Hapi, Koa and Sails.js. Restify.JS is also a popular choice for Web APIs and web applications that make use of a decoupled SPA frontend such as Angular.JS or React.JS.

Getting started: open source API Client

Our Client API for Node is stream-js.

Continuous integration is via Travis and we publish to the Node Package Manager. Contributions in the form of issues, feature suggestions and pull requests are most welcome.

See also our Stream Node ORM package.

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