.NET Social News Feed Personalization
If you're looking to personalize the news feeds in your .NET app; work with our Data Scientist on the best solution. Stream .NET is a great open source social network platform.
Developers can easily build personalization into their feeds with .NET and the Stream's feeds as a service. If you want to include activity streams or a feed like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook aggregated feed, Stream is the right solution for your social app.
Working with the Stream API in the .NET language
The .NET Framework is developed by Microsoft and typically runs on the Windows operating system. Ever since it’s release the most compelling features of the framework have been the extensive built-in class library and code-interoperability between languages such as C#, ASP.NET and Visual Basic .NET.
In recent times, Microsoft has moved from proprietary toward an open-source and community-development approach for the .NET Framework. These efforts extend to cross-platform releases of development tools such as Visual Studio Code and the TypeScript language.
The .NET Framework is a proven choice for performant and scalable web applications both in the enterprise and at cutting-edge tech startups. For instance, one of the most popular apps for developers, Stack Overflow (and the broader Stack Exchange network) is built with .NET.
Being a Microsoft oriented framework, hosting with the Microsoft Azure cloud is logical. Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services is also possible.
Getting started: open source API Client
Our Client API for .Net is stream-net.
Continuous integration is via Appveyor and we publish packages to Nuget. Contributions in the form of issues, feature suggestions and pull requests are most welcome.