Did you know? Your first $100 of Video & Audio API usage is free each month, no matter which pricing plan you choose. Start coding today!

Video & Audio Pricing

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End Users
1+ Billion
Uptime SLA
API Response
Security & Compliance
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Frequently Asked Questions

Which plan do you recommend?

Every video provider has to make a tradeoff between quality and costs. Stream gives you control over this choice by offering 3 plans.

What’s a participant minute?

If 7 users talk for 10 minutes, the total number of participant numbers is 7 * 10 = 70

What control do I have over the UI?

You can build any type of calling, live-streaming or audio room experience. You have full control over the user experience. Stream offers both low level API access (which is the most flexible) or ready made UI components. The UI components are less flexible but enable you to launch in days.

What’s an edge network?

Stream runs servers around the world. This ensures the best call quality & reliability. It’s a similar architecture to what apps like Zoom do. Stream is one of the few cloud infrastructure vendors to offer this.

What’s dynascale?

Dynascale automatically changes the video resolution, codecs and framerate to optimize your call. This enables calls to scale to thousands of participants. It also makes Stream easy to integrate. Some of our customers integrate in days.

How fast can I build in-app video calling with Stream?

It all depends on how much UI you have to build. Some use cases can be built in days, others will take a few weeks to tailor the UI. We have easy to use quick starts and sample apps for video calling, livestreaming and audio rooms.

How do you measure the video quality?

The quality is priced at the highest quality level the user is publishing or receiving. For instance if a user is publishing HD video, and watching full HD the pricing will apply at the full HD rate.

What support options are available?

Support plans are shared across all of Stream’s product. You can read more about the available options here.

Let's Discuss Your Use Case

Learn more about our custom solutions

Stream Advantage

Build audio and video experiences customized to your unique case, without the headache of becoming an expert or spending months on development.

Security & Compliance

  • SOC2
  • Privacy Shield Framework
  • ISO 27001

Available Options

  • 24/7 Emergency Support
  • Shared Slack Channels
  • AI Text & Image Moderation
  • 99.999% Uptime SLA
  • SSO, SAML, 2FA
  • Audit logs
  • Onboarding services
  • Dedicated AWS Region Stack

Start coding for free

No credit card required.
If you're interested in a custom plan or have any questions, please contact us.