SoundIndicator(participant: participant)
If you’re looking to build a way for users to know if a person is muted or unmuted, you can use our SoundIndicator
It’s very simple and represents a few states:
- Muted: shows a muted microphone icon to indicate that the user has turned off their audio.
- Unmuted: shows a regular microphone icon to indicate that the user has turned their microphone on.
To add the SoundIndicator component to your layout, you can use the SoundIndicator
view like this:
The participant
is of type CallParticipant
and it represents one participant in the call.
The view is very simple and it allows only changing its microphone icons.
To do that, you need to provide your own values in the Images
class and inject it in the Appearance
let images = Images()
images.micTurnOn = Image("custom_mic_turn_on_icon")
images.micTurnOff = Image("custom_mic_turn_off_icon")
let appearance = Appearance(images: images)
streamVideoUI = StreamVideoUI(streamVideo: streamVideo, appearance: appearance)
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