Global Citizen: A Community That Connects People

2 min read
Nick P.
Nick P.
Published April 6, 2016 Updated October 9, 2019

Global Citizen is a community that connects people who want to make an impact on the world’s biggest problems. Global Citizen’s main focus is to create awareness and bring attention to improve social justice, fight climate change and eradicate extreme poverty. Their efforts have been backed leading political figures and philanthropists such as Michelle Obama and Bill Gates, as well as high profile global organizations like the United Nations.

Global Citizen’s advocacy efforts do not only take place online; since 2012 they have successfully brought together activists and music fans through their own Global Citizen Music Festival, which is curated by Coldplay’s lead singer Chris Martin and has featured high profile artists such as Beyoncé, Stevie Wonder and Pearl Jam.

By delivering high-quality content and connecting like-minded users, Global Citizen has developed a very active network where members share the actions through which they aim to make the world a better place. Through each real time update and each signed petition we can witness the power of a global community that is making a huge impact, one pledge at a time.


Supporting the cause

This is a great cause and Stream provides the feed technology and hosting free of charge. If you are a non-profit organization and have a feed please reach out to for a free account.

We talked to Matt Webster, CTO at Global Citizen about the upcoming challenges for the engineering team at Global Citizen.

We have a lot of things in our pipeline. We’ve been making some changes to our platform over the past couple of months. Audience development continues to be our primary focus, we are trying to grow our user base as much as possible. What that means for us in 2016 is focusing on the overseas market and adding multilingual support. Most crucially, we are looking at doing advocacy work in South Asia.


Matt had great things to say about his experience using Stream and was particularly impressed by Stream’s ease of implementation and features. He said:

When it came time to build activity streams that showed the actions that millions of global citizens are taking to end extreme poverty, adopting stream was a no-brainer. In a few, short development sprints we were able to deliver a solution that scaled to support our large user community in a fraction of the time it would have taken to build a similar solution ourselves.

Making a difference

Global Citizen’s community has been able to make a real difference. They were able to help pass the water for the world act, raise $100m for the eradication of Polio and raise awareness around gender inequality.

We invite you to join the community of millions global citizens in a worldwide effort to support poverty eradication, sustainable development, social justice and global peace. Visit to learn more or follow @GlblCtzn on Twitter to stay updated.

At Stream we are honored and proud by the fact that Stream is being used by Global Citizen. The size of Global Citizen’s user base is a testament to our platform in terms of scalability; Stream’s infrastructure has allowed Global Citizen to offer an engaging experience without having to allocate valuable developer time to maintain their feeds.

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