Easier Integration with New API Clients & Data Browser

1 min read
Thierry S.
Thierry S.
Published November 17, 2014 Updated October 9, 2019

In the past days we've updated our API clients for Python, Ruby, Node and PHP. Thanks for the great feedback which helped us made the API easier.

Client improvements

One thing which confused many new users was the syntax for getting a feed object. In the old syntax we would write client.feed('user:1'), which gives you access to the feed named 'user' for user id '1'. Dozens of people emailed us with questions about this syntax. It was especially confusing that you have to setup the 'user' part in the dashboard, but the user_id part is automatically created. The new syntax client.feed('user', '1') clarifies that there are 2 different arguments. The follow syntax has received a similar update, ie: flat1.follow('user', '1'). You can use the new style syntax by upgrading your client library to the latest version.

Framework integrations

Furthermore we've added python 3 support to the Python client and Parse cloud support to the js client. In addition the framework integrations for Django, Rails and Laravel received a big cleanup.

Data browser

Last, we've released the data browser, which is a really nifty little debugging tool when you're developing your application. You can access it via the dashboard.

What's next

We've received many requests for a Java client and several for C#. If you need a client in these languages and want to help out be sure to get in touch with support@getstream.io.

We're dedicated to ease of use and performance. In the coming weeks we're going to start publically displaying our uptime and performance metrics. The beta has become stable and production worthy which is why we want to share these numbers with you.


As always we're eager to hear your thoughts. Get in touch by contacting support@getstream.io


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