
When you add a user or a collection object to an activity, Stream stores the unique reference and replaces it at read time. In some complex cases, you need to be able to generate a reference to an existing object and embed that inside of an activity.

// First create a collection entry with upsert api
await client.collections.upsert('food', [
	{ id: 'cheese-burger', name: 'Cheese Burger' },

// Then create a user
await client.user('john-doe').create({
	name: 'John Doe',
	occupation: 'Software Engineer',
	gender: 'male',

// Since we know their IDs we can create references to both without reading from APIs
const cheeseBurgerRef = client.collections.entry('food', 'cheese-burger');
const johnDoeRef = client.user('john-doe');

// And then add an activity with these references
await client.feed('user', 'john').addActivity({
	actor: johnDoeRef,
	verb: 'eat',
	object: cheeseBurgerRef,

If you are using the APIs on web / mobile (see auth section) you must set to the reference of the current user or otherwise you will get a permission error (see examples above).

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