Product Hunt Switched to Stream API from In-House Solution

2 min read
Jessie N.
Jessie N.
Published December 4, 2017 Updated June 20, 2021

“The Stream API just works – we appreciate the fact that we simply don’t have to worry about it. It’s simple for us to add new notifications and it scales with us. This gives us time to focus on other priorities.” – Andreas Klinger, CTO at Product Hunt

About Product Hunt

Product Hunt allows users to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations. On a daily basis, the platform allows its community members to submit, browse, vote, and comment on products. Over the past few years, Product Hunt has grown its users, articles, and engagement, exponentially and has become a huge influencer in the product and startup space.


One feature Product Hunt brings to its user community is the chance to find their NEW favorite thing and to discuss and analyze it with other like-minded users.

Product Hunt had created a custom notification and activity feed for its users. At first, this solution sufficed, but as the community grew, the homebuilt solution was no longer able to scale and developers couldn’t make necessary changes. They noticed they were spending more time on tedious fixes and often ran into problems due to the previous solution’s inflexibility.


Product Hunt implemented Stream’s API which gave their developers the chance to create a customized, scalable and reliable feed. Today, Product Hunt’s teams are also supplied with in-depth analytics, that were not available with their in-house solution. They were particularly impressed with the fact they could quickly produce a notification and activity stream with a similar UI to what they already had. With the Stream API, they can add and change notifications twice as fast as they could before. Finally, they now don’t have to worry about their feeds or notifications breaking, the ability to scale or any other common back-end problems. As a result, they can now focus on enhancing their notifications and building onto the product vision of what makes Product Hunt so unique and popular.


  • Stream just works.
  • Scalable
  • Flexible
  • Speed of deployment
  • Customizable

Want to learn more about how the Stream API can enhance your app? Check out the features page, or try the API in this 5 minute walk through.

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