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Version: v12

Channel Search

Channel search is used to find channels based on a query that includes user input. Depending on your needs, it can be used to either find existing conversations, start new ones, or do both.

There are two ways to use the built-in search functionality:

  1. by enabling search in the ChannelList component with the showChannelSearch prop,
  2. or by using the ChannelSearch component directly.

Whichever works better for you, the ChannelSearch component is the one that handles the UI logic.

In the first case, if you're using the search functionality of the ChannelList component, the ChannelSearch is rendered by the ChannelList. You can still pass props to the underlying ChannelSearch through the additionalChannelSearchProps.

For example, you could enable search in the ChannelList (with the showChannelSearch prop), and configure the search results to include both channels and users by passing settings in the additionalChannelSearchProps:

additionalChannelSearchProps={{ searchForChannels: true }}

In the second case, if you're using the ChannelSearch component directly, you can pass settings directly as props of the ChannelSearch component:

<ChannelSearch searchForChannels />

Component Anatomy

The ChannelSearch component consists of the search bar (including the search input), the results header, and the results list (consisting of individual search results items).

Each of these components can be overridden by passing custom components in the ChannelSearch props:


If you're using the search functionality of the ChannelList components, you can pass the same custom components to the additionalChannelSearchProps:

SearchBar: CustomSearchBar,
SearchInput: CustomInput,
SearchResultsHeader: CustomHeader,
SearchResultsList: CustomList,
SearchResultItem: CustomItem,

Next, we'll take a closer look at some of these customization options. But first, we encourage you to explore the many out-of-the-box customization options that do not require you to provide custom components.

Overriding the Search Result Item

You can override the way each search result item is presented by providing a custom SearchResultItem.

<ChannelSearch SearchResultItem={CustomSearchResultItem} />


SearchResultItem: CustomSearchResultItem,
// Don't forget to provide filter and sort options as well!

This component receives a search result item as a prop, which can be either a UserResponse or a Channel (if the searchForChannels option is enabled).

Your custom implementation should be able to:

  1. Display both channel and user search result items.
  2. Provide visual feedback for an item focused with the arrow keys. We can do this by looking at the focusUser prop which contains the index of the currently selected item.
  3. When clicked, it should invoke the selectResult callback.
const CustomSearchResultItem = ({ result, index, focusedUser, selectResult }) => {
const isChannel = result.cid;

return (
className={`search-result-item ${index === focusedUser ? 'search-result-item_focused' : ''}`}
onClick={() => selectResult(result)}
{isChannel ? (
<span className='search-result-item__icon'>#️⃣</span>
) : (
<span className='search-result-item__icon'>👤</span>
{ ??}

Implementing Search from Scratch

You don't have to rely on the components provided in the SDK to implement search. For ultimate customization, it's not too difficult to implement search from scratch. You'll have to manage the state yourself, and use our low-level client methods to query for results, but the upside is that you can manipulate the results however you like.

See our client documentation to learn how to query for channels, users, or messages. As a quick reference, here are the queries we will be using:

// Query at most 5 messaging channels where current user is a member,
// by channel name:
const channels = await client.queryChannels(
type: 'messaging',
name: { $autocomplete: query },
members: { $in: [userId] },
{ last_message_at: -1, updated_at: -1 },
{ limit: 5 },
// Query at most 5 users (except the current one), by user name or id:
const { users } = await client.queryUsers(
$or: [{ id: { $autocomplete: query } }, { name: { $autocomplete: query } }],
id: { $ne: userId },
{ id: 1, name: 1 },
{ limit: 5 },
// Query at most 5 messages from the messaging channels where current user
// is a member, by message text:
const { results } = await{ type: 'messaging', members: { $in: [userId] } }, query, {
limit: 5,
const messages = => item.message);

Next, let's add some simple text input and some buttons to search for channels, users, or messages:

const CustomSearch = () => {
const [query, setQuery] = useState('');

return (
<div className='search'>
onChange={(event) => setQuery(}
{query && (
<div className='search-actions'>
<button type='button' className='search-button'>
#️⃣ Find "{query}" channels
<button type='button' className='search-button'>
👤 Find "{query}" users
<button type='button' className='search-button'>
💬 Look up "{query}" in messages

So far, our CustomSearch component doesn't do anything. Let's wire things up by adding click event listeners to the search buttons.

A note about race conditions

One thing we should be aware of is race conditions: we should either abort or discard the results of the previous request when making a new one, or prevent a user from making multiple requests at once. Better yet, use a query library like TanStack Query or SWR to make requests.

In this example, we will use a helper function that will protect us from race conditions:

function useSearchQuery() {
const [results, setResults] = useState(null);
const [pending, setPending] = useState(false);
const pendingRequestAbortController = useRef(null);

const startNextRequestWithSignal = () => {
pendingRequestAbortController.current = new AbortController();
return pendingRequestAbortController.current.signal;

const querySearchResults = async (fether) => {
const signal = startNextRequestWithSignal();
const results = await fether();

if (!signal.aborted) {

return { results, pending, querySearchResults };

If you're implementing the "search as you type" user experience, don't forget to debounce or throttle your search requests. Otherwise, you can quickly hit rate limits.

import { useChatContext } from 'stream-chat-react';

const CustomSearch = () => {
const { client } = useChatContext();
const [query, setQuery] = useState('');
const { results, pending, querySearchResults } = useSearchQuery();

const handleChannelSearchClick = () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const channels = await client.queryChannels(
type: 'messaging',
name: { $autocomplete: query },
members: { $in: [userId] },
{ last_message_at: -1, updated_at: -1 },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'channel',
items: channels,

const handleUserSearchClick = () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const { users } = await client.queryUsers(
$or: [{ id: { $autocomplete: query } }, { name: { $autocomplete: query } }],
id: { $ne: userId },
{ id: 1, name: 1 },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'user',
items: users,

const handleMessageSearchClick = () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const { results } = await
{ type: 'messaging', members: { $in: [userId] } },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'message',
items: => item.message),

return (
<div className='search'>
onChange={(event) => setQuery(}
{query && (
<div className='search-actions'>
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleChannelSearchClick}>
#️⃣ Find <strong>"{query}"</strong> channels
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleUserSearchClick}>
👤 Find <strong>"{query}"</strong> users
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleMessageSearchClick}>
💬 Look up <strong>"{query}"</strong> in messages

Finally, we need to display the search results to the user. You can use components like ChannelPreview that come with the SDK, or you can create your own. Let's create very simple preview components for channels, users, and messages:

const ChannelSearchResultPreview = ({ channel }) => (
<li className='search-results__item'>
<div className='search-results__icon'>#️⃣</div>

const UserSearchResultPreview = ({ user }) => (
<li className='search-results__item'>
<div className='search-results__icon'>👤</div>
{ ??}

const MessageSearchResultPreview = ({ message }) => (
<li className='search-results__item'>
<div className='search-results__icon'>💬</div>

const SearchResultsPreview = ({ results }) => {
if (results.items.length === 0) {
return <div class='search-results'>🤷‍♂️ No results</div>;

return (
<ul className='search-results'>
{results.entity === 'channel' && => <ChannelSearchResultPreview key={item.cid} channel={item} />)}
{results.entity === 'user' && => <UserSearchResultPreview key={} user={item} />)}
{results.entity === 'message' && => <MessageSearchResultPreview key={} message={item} />)}

What happens when you click on a search result depends on your desired user experience. If you click on a channel, it makes sense to set the channel as active. When clicking on a user, you may want to create or open a channel with a one-on-one conversation with the user. When clicking on a message, it's probably expected that a relevant channel will be set as active and scrolled to the message.

import { useChatContext } from 'stream-chat-react';

const ChannelSearchResultPreview = ({ channel }) => {
const { setActiveChannel } = useChatContext();

return (
<li className='search-results__item' onClick={() => setActiveChannel(channel)}>
<div className='search-results__icon'>#️⃣</div>

And that's it! Here's the complete code:

import { useChatContext } from 'stream-chat-react';

const CustomSearch = () => {
const { client } = useChatContext();
const [query, setQuery] = useState('');
const { results, pending, querySearchResults } = useSearchQuery();
// Use your favorite query library here 👆

const handleChannelSearchClick = async () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const channels = await client.queryChannels(
type: 'messaging',
name: { $autocomplete: query },
members: { $in: [userId] },
{ last_message_at: -1, updated_at: -1 },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'channel',
items: channels,

const handleUserSearchClick = async () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const { users } = await client.queryUsers(
$or: [{ id: { $autocomplete: query } }, { name: { $autocomplete: query } }],
id: { $ne: userId },
{ id: 1, name: 1 },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'user',
items: users,

const handleMessageSearchClick = async () => {
querySearchResults(async () => {
const { results } = await
{ type: 'messaging', members: { $in: [userId] } },
{ limit: 5 },

return {
entity: 'message',
items: => item.message),

return (
<div className='search'>
onChange={(event) => setQuery(}
{query && (
<div className='search-actions'>
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleChannelSearchClick}>
#️⃣ Find <strong>"{query}"</strong> channels
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleUserSearchClick}>
👤 Find <strong>"{query}"</strong> users
<button type='button' className='search-button' onClick={handleMessageSearchClick}>
💬 Look up <strong>"{query}"</strong> in messages

{pending && <>Searching...</>}
{results && <SearchResultsPreview results={results} />}

const ChannelSearchResultPreview = ({ channel }) => {
const { setActiveChannel } = useChatContext();

return (
<li className='search-results__item' onClick={() => setActiveChannel(channel)}>
<div className='search-results__icon'>#️⃣</div>

const UserSearchResultPreview = ({ user }) => {
const { client, setActiveChannel } = useChatContext();

const handleClick = async () => {
const channel ='messaging', { members: [userId,] });

return (
<li className='search-results__item' onClick={handleClick}>
<div className='search-results__icon'>👤</div>
{ ??}

const MessageSearchResultPreview = ({ message }) => {
const history = useHistory(); // bring your own router of choice
const { client, setActiveChannel } = useChatContext();

const handleClick = async () => {
if ( {
const channel =,;
await channel.state.loadMessageIntoState(;

return (
<li className='search-results__item' onClick={handleClick}>
<div className='search-results__icon'>💬</div>

const SearchResultsPreview = ({ results }) => {
if (results.items.length === 0) {
return <>No results</>;

return (
<ul className='search-results'>
{results.entity === 'channel' && => <ChannelSearchResultPreview key={item.cid} channel={item} />)}
{results.entity === 'user' && => <UserSearchResultPreview key={} user={item} />)}
{results.entity === 'message' && => <MessageSearchResultPreview key={} message={item} />)}

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