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Version: v11


ChannelSearch is a UI component that searches for chat users and displays the results in a list. It can be used standalone or in the ChannelList via the showChannelSearch prop (default is false). The input searches for users by default, but you can utilize the searchForChannels prop to also search for channels. Completely override the querying via the searchFunction prop. Selection of a search result will set the active channel with the selected user, or if a channel is an option and is selected, set the active channel with the existing channel.

Basic Usage

Example 1 - used via the showChannelSearch prop.

<Chat client={client}>
<ChannelList filters={filters} sort={sort} options={options} showChannelSearch />
<ChannelHeader />
<MessageList />
<MessageInput />
<Thread />

ChannelSearch according to theme version

The ChannelSearch component renders 2 components:

  1. the search input
  2. the search results list

If opted in the use of theme version 2, the ChannelSearch will render a more complex search input component called SearchBar. Otherwise, the SearchInput is rendered.

Search input vs.SearchResults state

The input naturally transitions between 3 states regardless of theme version:

Input stateInputSearch results
inactivenot focusednot rendered
focusedfocused and emptynot rendered
active searchcontains non-empty search stringrendered

It is possible to jump directly from active search state to inactive by pressing the Esc key or by erasing the search input value. The search results container is shown only if the search input contains non-empty string.

Once the search results container is rendered it transitions between the following states:

Search results stateSearch results
loadingthe search API call is in progress
empty search (result)the search API call returned an empty array
non-empty search (result)the search API call returned an array of channel and user objects

SearchInput component

The SearchInput source code shows that the component renders a single text input element. User can provide a custom SearchInput component implementation though.

SearchBar component

The SearchBar contains multiple elements - buttons and text input. The buttons are conditionally rendered based on user interaction with the ChannelSearch components. All the button icons displayed in the SearchBar are customizable. User can provide a custom SearchBar component implementation.

SearchBar states

The SearchBar transitions between the same states as the SearchInput, but renders more elements.

1. Inactive state:

The SearchBar is rendered with app menu icon if a custom AppMenu component is provided to the ChannelSearch. Otherwise, only search input is visible.

Image of an inactive search bar state with an app menu
Inactive search bar with an app menu
Image of an inactive search bar state without an app menu
Inactive search bar without an app menu
2. Active state:

Once the input is focused, a return-arrow button occurs with ExitSearchIcon to exit the active state. Note the app menu icon is actually replaced by the return arrow button. After typing the search query a clear-input button with ClearInputIcon appears inside the search input.

Image of an active search bar state with empty input
Active search bar with empty input
Image of an active search bar with search query
Active search bar with search query

By clicking the return-arrow button, the user returns to the inactive search state. By clicking the clear-input button the input is cleared but kept focused with return-arrow still displayed (with possibility to exit the search altogether).

The active search UI state can be exited by pressing the Escape key as well.

SearchResults component

The following states are reflected in the SearchResults:

  1. The search query being in progress (can be customized with SearchLoading )
  2. The empty search result (can be customized with SearchEmpty)
  3. The listing of found channels (if searchForChannels is set to true) and users

The look of the latter can be customized by providing SearchResultsHeader, SearchResultItem, SearchResultsList) (renders the list of SearchResultItem).

The default styling of the first two states are as follows:

Image of search results list content when loading
Search results list content when loading (theme v1)
Image of empty search results
Empty search results (theme v1)
Image of search results list content when loading
Search results list content when loading (theme v2)
Image of empty search results
Empty search results (theme v2)

Search results in popup

The search results can be rendered in place of the channel list or above the channel list in a floating container. This behavior is toggled by popupResults prop.

Image of search results displayed inline (theme v1)
Search results displayed inline (theme v1)
Image of search results displayed floating above the channel list (theme v1)
Search results displayed floating above the channel list (theme v1)
Image of search results displayed inline (theme v2)
Search results displayed inline (theme v2)
Image of search results displayed floating above the channel list (theme v2)
Search results displayed floating above the channel list (theme v2)

Keep the search results open on channel select

The ChannelSearch offers possibility to keep the search results open meanwhile the user clicks between the search results. This behavior is controlled by clearSearchOnClickOutside flag. The selected channel is added to the channel list if it was not present there before the search.

Customizing the search method

By default, the ChannelSearch component searches just for users. Use the searchForChannels prop to also search for channels.

To override the search method completely, use the searchFunction prop. This prop is useful, say, when you want to search only for channels that the current logged in user is a member of. See the example below for this.

const customSearchFunction = async (
props: ChannelSearchFunctionParams,
event: { target: { value: SetStateAction<string> } },
client: StreamChat,
) => {
const { setResults, setSearching, setQuery } = props;
const value =;

const filters = {
name: { $autocomplete: value },
members: { $in: client.userID },

const channels = await client.queryChannels(filters);
const { client } = useChatContext();

searchFunction: (params, event) => {
return customSearchFunction(params, event, client);



Application menu / drop-down to be displayed when clicked on MenuIcon. Prop is consumed only by the SearchBar component. The SearchBar component is only available with the use of the theming v2. No default component is provided by the SDK. The library does not provide any CSS for AppMenu. Consult the customization tutorial on how to add AppMenu to your application. The component is passed a prop close, which is a function that can be called to hide the app menu (e.g. on menu item selection).



The type of channel to create on user result selection.

livestream | messaging | team | gaming | commercemessaging


Custom icon component used as a content of the button used to clear the search input. Prop is consumed only by the SearchBar component. The SearchBar component is rendered with themeVersion '2' only.



Signals that the search state / results should be cleared on every click outside the search input (e.g. selecting a search result or exiting the search UI), defaults to true. If set to false, the search results are kept in the UI meanwhile the user changes between the channels.



Disables execution of the search queries and makes the search text input element disabled. Defaults to false.



Custom icon component used as a content of the button used to exit the search UI. Prop is consumed only by the SearchBar component. The SearchBar component is rendered with themeVersion '2' only.


Custom icon component used as a content of the button used to invoke the AppMenu. Prop is consumed only by the SearchBar component. The SearchBar component is rendered with themeVersion '2' only. The menu icon button is displayed only if AppMenu component has been passed to ChannelSearch props.



Callback invoked with every search input change handler. SDK user can provide own implementation. The prop is used by the ChannelList component to set a flag determining that the search has been initiated. If the search has been initiated and search result are to be displayed instead of the list of loaded channels (popupResults flag is set to false), then the list of loaded channels is not rendered. This logic is executed despite passing custom implementation of onSearch function to ChanneList props.



Callback invoked when the search UI is deactivated. The ChannelList component uses it to set a flag that the search has been terminated and search results are not expected to be displayed in place of the list of loaded channels. And so the ChannelList renders the list of loaded channels. This logic is executed despite passing custom implementation of onSearchExit function to ChanneList props.

() => void


Custom handler function to run on search result item selection. If not provided then the default selection handler takes care of:

  1. loading the active channel
  2. adding the selected channel to the channel list
  3. clearing the search results, if clearSearchOnClickOutside flag is set to true (default)
    params: ChannelSearchFunctionParams<StreamChatGenerics\>,
    result: ChannelOrUserResponse<StreamChatGenerics\>
) => Promise<void> | void


Custom placeholder text to be displayed in the search input. Can be passed down from ChannelList via its additionalChannelSearchProps. If using custom i18n translations, it is preferable to change the placeholder value in your translations files under the key 'Search'.



Display search results as an absolutely positioned popup, defaults to false and shows inline.


Custom component to be rendered instead of the default SearchBar. This component is displayed only if themeVersion is '2'. With the theme version 1 only the SearchInput is rendered. The default SearchBar component is a composite of multiple buttons and a search input. You can find more information about its features in an above section.



Custom UI component to display empty search results.



Boolean to search for channels as well as users in the server query, default is false and just searches for users.



Custom search function to override default. The first argument should expect an object of type ChannelSearchFunctionParams. It carries references to the Dispatch<SetStateAction> functions that allow to control the search state:

  • setQuery - sets the search input value, the default value is an empty string
  • setResults - sets the array of search results, the default value is an empty array
  • setSearching - signals that the HTTP search request is in progress
(params: ChannelSearchFunctionParams, event: React.BaseSyntheticEvent ) => Promise<void> | void

See also Customizing the search method.


The number of milliseconds to debounce the search query.



Custom UI component to display the search text input.



Custom UI component to display the search loading state. Rendered within the SearchResults component.

React.ComponentTypea div with: 'Searching...'


Object containing filters/sort/options overrides for user / channel search.

The filters attribute (SearchQueryParams.userFilters.filters) can be either UserFilters object describing the filter query or a function with a single argument of the search / filter (query) string. The function is then expected to derive and return the UserFilters from the provided query string.



Custom UI component to display the search results header.



Custom UI component to display a search result list item.



Custom UI component to display all the search results.


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