The MessageInput
component is a React Context provider that wraps all of the logic, functionality, and UI for the message input
displayed in a channel. It provides the MessageInputContext
to its children. All of
the input UI components consume the MessageInputContext
and rely on the stored data for their display and interaction.
Basic Usage
As a context consumer, the MessageInput
component must be rendered as a child of the Channel
component. MessageInput
no required props and calls custom hooks to assemble the context values loaded into the MessageInputContext
and provided
to its children.
If a custom input is not provided via the Input
prop, MessageInputFlat
will be used by default.
<Chat client={client}>
<ChannelList />
<MessageList />
<MessageInput />
UI Customization
The MessageInput
component does not inject any UI, so all input customization is handled by the Input UI
component. The Input UI component is passed as the Input
prop into either the Channel
or MessageInput
Additional props to be passed to the underlying AutoCompleteTextarea
component, available props.
Type |
object |
Function to clear the editing state while editing a message.
Type |
() => void |
If true, disables the text input.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
If true, the suggestion list will not display and autocomplete @mentions.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Function to override the default file upload request.
Type |
(file: FileUpload['file'], channel: Channel) => Promise<SendFileAPIResponse> |
Function to override the default image upload request.
Type |
(file: ImageUpload['file'], channel: Channel) => Promise<SendFileAPIResponse> |
Custom error handler function to be called with a file/image upload fails.
Type |
(error: Error, type: string, file: (FileUpload | ImageUpload)['file'] & { id?: string }) => void |
If true, focuses the text input on component mount.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Generates the default value for the underlying textarea element. The function's return value takes precedence over additionalTextareaProps.defaultValue
Type |
() => string | string[]) |
If true, expands the text input vertically for new lines.
Type | Default |
boolean | true |
Allows to hide MessageInput's send button. Used by MessageSimple
to hide the send button in EditMessageForm
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Custom UI component handling how the message input is rendered.
Type | Default |
component | MessageInputFlat |
Max number of rows the underlying textarea
component is allowed to grow.
Type | Default |
number | 10 |
If true, the suggestion list will search all app users for an @mention, not just current channel members/watchers.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Object containing filters/sort/options overrides for an @mention user query.
Type |
object |
If provided, the existing message will be edited on submit.
Type |
object |
If true, disables file uploads for all attachments except for those with type 'image'.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Function to override the default submit handler.
Type |
(message: object, channelCid: string) => void |
When replying in a thread, the parent message object.
Type |
object |
If true, triggers typing events on text input keystroke.
Type | Default |
boolean | true |
Currently, Enter
is the default submission key and Shift
is the default combination for the new line.
If specified, this function overrides the default behavior specified previously.
Type |
(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean |
Migration from versions older than 9.0.0
Property keycodeSubmitKeys has been replaced by shouldSubmit and thus is no longer supported. If you had custom key codes specified like so:
keyCodeSubmitKeys={[[16,13], [57], [48]]} // submission keys are Shift+Enter, 9, and 0
then that would newly translate to:
const shouldSubmit = (event) =>
(event.key === 'Enter' && event.shiftKey) || event.key === '9' || event.key === '0';
Configuration parameters for link previews to customize:
- link discovery,
- what actions to execute on link preview card dismissal,
- what is the debounce interval after which the link enrichment queries are run
It also allows us to disable querying and rendering the link previews with enrichURLForPreview
Type |
URLEnrichmentConfig |
export type URLEnrichmentConfig = {
/** Number of milliseconds to debounce firing the URL enrichment queries when typing. The default value is 1500(ms). */
debounceURLEnrichmentMs?: number;
/** Allows for toggling the URL enrichment and link previews in `MessageInput`. By default, the feature is disabled. */
enrichURLForPreview?: boolean;
/** Custom function to identify URLs in a string for later generation of link previews */
findURLFn?: (text: string) => string[];
/** Custom function to react to link preview dismissal */
onLinkPreviewDismissed?: (linkPreview: LinkPreview) => void;
If true, will use an optional dependency to support transliteration in the input for mentions. See:
Type | Default |
boolean | false |