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Version: v11

Voice Recording Attachment

Audio attachments recorded directly from the chat UI are called voice recordings. The SDK provides a default implementation called VoiceRecording. The default component renders or VoiceRecordingPlayer component or QuotedVoiceRecording.

The VoiceRecordingPlayer component is displayed in the message attachment list and is used to reproduce the audio.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer component
VoiceRecordingPlayer component

Whereas QuotedVoiceRecording is used to display basic information about the voice recording in quoted message reply.

Image of the QuotedVoiceRecording component
QuotedVoiceRecording component

Attachment payload

The response payload for the voice recording attachment comes with the following properties:

Image of the voice recording payload
Voice recording payload

These properties serve the following purpose:

asset_urlthe URL where the voice recording is downloaded from
durationthe audio duration in seconds
file_sizethe file size in bytes (displayed as fallback to duration if duration is not available)
mime_typethe file type that is later reflected in the icon displayed in the voice recording attachment widget
titlethe audio title
typethe value will always be "voiceRecording"
waveform_datathe array of fractional number values between 0 and 1. These values represent the amplitudes later reflected in the WaveProgressBar


By clicking in the space of waveform or by dragging the progress indicator a user can navigate to a specific place in the audio track. The progress indicator is placed at the point of the click or drag end and the preceding amplitude bars are highlighted to manifest the progress.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer stopped in the middle of the reproduction
VoiceRecordingPlayer navigation

Playback speed change

The playback speed can be changed by clicking the PlaybackRateButton. The button is visible only during the audio reproduction. The rate is changed by repeatedly clicking the PlaybackRateButton. Once the highest rate speed is achieved, the next click resets the speed to the initial value.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer playing the audio
VoiceRecordingPlayer playing the audio

UI Fallbacks

Missing duration

If the duration is not available in the attachment object payload, VoiceRecordingPlayer as well as QuotedVoiceRecording component will display the attachment size instead.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer displaying file size instead of audio duration
VoiceRecordingPlayer displaying file size instead of audio duration
Image of the QuotedVoiceRecording displaying file size instead of audio duration
QuotedVoiceRecording displaying file size instead of audio duration

Missing title

If the voice recording does not come with title, a fallback title is provided.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer displaying the fallback title
VoiceRecordingPlayer displaying the fallback title
Image of the QuotedVoiceRecording displaying the fallback title
QuotedVoiceRecording displaying the fallback title

Missing waveform_data

If the waveform_data is an empty array, then no progress bar is rendered.

Image of the VoiceRecordingPlayer missing progress bar
VoiceRecordingPlayer without progress bar

Default components customization

The pattern of customization applied to the default VoiceRecording component will be the same:

  1. Create a custom voice recording component (e.g. CustomVoiceRecording). It will serve as a wrapper component that renders VoiceRecordingPlayer resp. QuotedVoiceRecording. Pass props to these components.

  2. Create a custom attachment component (e.g. CustomAttachment), that will be again a wrapper around the SDK's Attachment component. Pass the custom voice recording component to the Attachment component via prop VoiceRecording.

Provide custom list of playback speeds

You can override the default list of playback rates by overriding the VoiceRecording component.


import {
} from 'stream-chat-react';

import { ChannelInner } from './ChannelInner';

const CustomVoiceRecording = ({ attachment, isQuoted }: VoiceRecordingProps) =>
isQuoted ? (
<QuotedVoiceRecording attachment={attachment} />
) : (
<VoiceRecordingPlayer attachment={attachment} playbackRates={[2.0, 3.0]} />

const CustomAttachment = (props: AttachmentProps) => (
<Attachment {...props} VoiceRecording={CustomVoiceRecording} />

const App = () => (
<Channel Attachment={CustomAttachment}>
<ChannelInner />

export default App;

Remove title

This could be solved by customizing the styles. You can stop displaying the recording title by tweaking the CSS:

.str-chat__message-attachment__voice-recording-widget__title {
display: none;

Customize the fallback title

If you do not like our fallback title, you can change it by changing the translation key "Voice message".

Other customizations

If you would like to perform the following customizations:

  • change the progress bar
  • change the file icon SVG

We recommend you to assemble your own components, that serve to display voice recording data and allow for reproduction. Then you can pass those components to the custom attachment component as described above.

The reason is, that VoiceRecordingPlayer and QuotedVoiceRecording are considerably small components. The inspiration can be taken from the default components implementations.

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