Channel Members and Online Status

In this example, we will demonstrate how to render the current channel members and their online status.

Render the Channel Members List

Let’s start the example by creating a simple members list component. To access the members list of the current channel, we will get the current channel using useChannelStateContext hook. The example is a bit more convoluted, since we will add online presence updates at the next step.

In order for the client to receive updates for user presence, ensure that you are watching the channel with{ presence: true }). More details can be found in the ↗ LLC documentation.

const Users = () => {
  const { channel } = useChannelStateContext();
  const [channelUsers, setChannelUsers] = useState<
    Array<{ name: string; online: boolean }>

  useEffect(() => {
    const updateChannelUsers = () => {
        Object.values(channel.state.members).map((user) => ({
          name: user.user_id!,
          online: !!user.user!.online,

  }, [client, channel]);

  return (
    <ul className="users-list">
      { => (
        <li key={}>
          {} - { ? "online" : "offline"}

We can place the component as a child of the Channel component:

    <Users />
    <ChannelHeader />
    <MessageList />
    <MessageInput focus />
  <Thread />

Real-Time Updates

So far, our list looks good, but there’s a catch: for performance purposes, the useChannelStateContext does not refresh when user presence changes. To make the list update accordingly, we need to attach an additional listener to the user.presence.changed event of the chat client. Let’s also add some basic CSS to complete the look of the list. The class is already applied to the JSX, just add a CSS file and be sure to import into your file.

.users-list {
  background: #ffffff;
  padding: 20px;
  padding-left: 30px;
  border-radius: calc(16px / 2) 16px 0 0;
  border: 1px solid #ecebeb;
const Users = () => {
  const { client } = useChatContext();
  const { channel } = useChannelStateContext();
  const [channelUsers, setChannelUsers] = useState<
    Array<{ name: string; online: boolean }>
  useEffect(() => {
    const updateChannelUsers = (event?: Event) => {
      // test if the updated user is a member of this channel
      if (!event || channel.state.members[event.user!.id] !== undefined) {
          Object.values(channel.state.members).map((user) => ({
            name: user.user_id!,
            online: !!user.user!.online,


    client.on("user.presence.changed", updateChannelUsers);

    return () => {"user.presence.changed", updateChannelUsers);
  }, [client, channel]);

  return (
    <ul className="users-list">
      { => (
        <li key={}>
          {} - { ? "online" : "offline"}

With the above addition, channelUsers will be updated each time user comes online or goes offline.

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