
The BaseImage component’s purpose is to display an image or a fallback if loading the resource has failed. The component is used internally by:

  • Image component - used to display image attachments in Message
  • Gallery component - used to display image gallery among Message attachments
  • AttachmentPreviewList component - used to display attachment previews in MessageInput

The default image fallbacks are rendered as follows:

BaseImage in image attachment

BaseImage in image attachment gallery

BaseImage in attachment preview


Custom image fallback

The default image fallback can be changed by applying a new CSS data image to the fallback mask in the BaseImage’s <img/> element. The data image has to be assigned to a CSS variable --str-chat__image-fallback-icon within the scope of .str-chat class. An example follows:

.str-chat {

We can change the mask dimensions or color by applying the following rules to the image’s class .str-chat__base-image--load-failed, that signals the image load has failed:

:root {
  --custom-icon-fill-color: #223344;
  --custom-icon-width-and-height: 4rem 4rem;

.str-chat__base-image--load-failed {
  mask-size: var(--custom-icon-width-and-height);
  -webkit-mask-size: var(--custom-icon-width-and-height);
  background-color: var(--custom-icon-fill-color);

Custom BaseImage

The default BaseImage can be overridden by passing a custom component to Channel props:

import { ComponentProps } from "react";
import { Channel } from "stream-chat-react";

const CustomBaseImage = (props: ComponentProps<"img">) => {
  // your implementation...

export const MyUI = () => {
  return (
    <Channel BaseImage={CustomBaseImage}>
          /* more components */


The component accepts the img component props.

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