
Messages can contain polls. Polls are by default created using PollCreationDialog that is invoked from AttachmentSelector. Messages that render polls are not editable. Polls can be only closed by the poll creator. The top-level component to render the message poll data is Poll and it renders a header followed by option list and poll actions section.

Poll UI customization

The following part of the poll UI can be customized:

  • QuotedPoll - UI rendered if the poll is rendered in a quoted message
  • PollContent - component that renders the whole non-quoted poll UI
  • PollHeader - customizes the topmost part of the poll UI
  • PollOptionSelector - customizes the individual clickable option selectors
  • PollActions - customizes the bottom part of the poll UI that consists of buttons that invoke action dialogs

Poll header customization

import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { Channel } from "stream-chat-react";

const PollHeader = () => <div>Custom Header</div>;

const ChannelWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
  <Channel PollHeader={PollHeader}>{children}</Channel>

Poll option selector customization

If we wanted to customize only the option selector we can do it with custom PollOptionSelector component.

import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { Channel } from "stream-chat-react";

const PollOptionSelector = () => <div>Custom Option Selector</div>;

const ChannelWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
  <Channel PollOptionSelector={PollOptionSelector}>{children}</Channel>

Poll actions customization

The component PollActions controls the display of dialogs or modals that allow user to further interact with the poll data. There are the following poll actions supported by the component that invoke corresponding dialogs resp. modals:

Action buttonVisible conditionInvokes
See all optionsoption count > 10PollOptionsFullList
Suggest an optionpoll is not closed and poll.allow_user_suggested_options === trueSuggestPollOptionForm
Add or update own commentpoll is not closed and poll.allow_answers === trueAddCommentForm
View commentschannel.own_capabilities array contains 'query-poll-votes' & poll.answers_count > 0PollAnswerList
View resultsalways visiblePollResults
End voteowner of the pollEndPollDialog

Default PollOptionsFullList

Default SuggestPollOptionForm

Default AddCommentForm

Default PollAnswerList

Default PollResults

Default EndPollDialog

Individual dialogs and thus the whole PollActions component can be overridden via PollActions component props as follows:

import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { Channel, PollActions } from "stream-chat-react";
import {
} from "./PollActions";

const CustomPollActions = () => (

const ChannelWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
  <Channel PollActions={CustomPollActions}>{children}</Channel>

Poll contents layout customization

This approach is useful when we want to change the organization of the poll UI. For the purpose we can provide custom PollContent component to Channel.

import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { Channel } from "stream-chat-react";
import { CustomPollHeader, CustomPollOptionList } from "./Poll";

const PollContents = () => (
    <CustomPollHeader />
    <CustomPollOptionList />

const ChannelWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
  <Channel PollContents={PollContents}>{children}</Channel>

Poll API and state

In order to be fully capable to customize the poll UI, we need to learn how to utilize Poll API and later access the reactive poll state.

First of all, the Poll API is exposed via a Poll instance. This instance is provided via React context to all the children of the Poll component that is rendered internally by Message component. The context can be consumed using usePollContext hook:

import { usePollContext } from "stream-chat-react";

const Component = () => {
  const { poll } = usePollContext();

The Poll instance exposes the following methods:

  • query - queries the data for a given poll (permission to query polls is required)
  • update - overwrites the poll data
  • partialUpdate - overwrites only the given poll data
  • close - marks the poll as closed (useful for custom EndPollDialog)
  • delete - deletes the poll
  • createOption - creates a new option for given poll (useful for custom SuggestPollOptionForm)
  • updateOption - updates an option
  • deleteOption - removes the option from a poll
  • castVote - casts a vote to a given option (useful for custom PollOptionSelector)
  • removeVote - removes a vote from a given option (useful for custom PollOptionSelector)
  • addAnswer - adds an answer (comment)
  • removeAnswer - removes an answer (comment)
  • queryAnswers - queries and paginates answers (useful for custom PollAnswerList)
  • queryOptionVotes - queries and paginates votes for a given option (useful for option detail)

The poll state can be accessed inside the custom React components using the following pattern

import { usePollContext, useStateStore } from "stream-chat-react";

import type { PollState, PollVote } from "stream-chat";
import type { StreamChatGenerics } from "./types";

type PollStateSelectorReturnValue = {
  latest_votes_by_option: Record<string, PollVote<StreamChatGenerics>[]>;

// 1. Define the selector function that receives the fresh value every time the observed property changes
const pollStateSelector = (
  nextValue: PollState<StreamChatGenerics>,
): PollStateSelectorReturnValue => ({
  latest_votes_by_option: nextValue.latest_votes_by_option,

const CustomComponent = () => {
  // 2. Retrieve the poll instance from the context
  const { poll } = usePollContext<StreamChatGenerics>();
  // 3. Use the useStateStore hook to subscribe to updates in the poll state with selector picking out only properties we are interested in
  const { latest_votes_by_option } = useStateStore(

Do not try to access the poll data via message object available from MessageContext. This data is not updated and serve only as a seed, for the poll state.


The context is available to all the children of the Poll component. Currently, it exposes the following properties:


The instance of a Poll class provided by the low-level client. The instance is retrieved from PollManager via client.polls.fromState(pollId)

import { Poll, useChatContext, useMessageContext } from "stream-chat-react";

const Component = () => {
  const { client } = useChatContext();
  const { message } = useMessageContext();
  const poll = message.poll_id && client.polls.fromState(message.poll_id);

  if (!poll) return null;
  return <Poll poll={poll} />;

This extraction is done internally by the MessageSimple component.

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