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The RingingCallContent lets you easily build UI when you're calling or ringing other people in an app. It's used to show more information about the participants you're calling, as well as give you the option to cancel the call before anyone accepts.

Based on the call's ringing state and a call type, the RingingCallContent provides a list of participants, with their avatars and names, or a background with the avatar of the person you're calling, if it's a 1:1 conversation.

Let's see how to show the RingingCallContent UI.

Incoming Call
Incoming Call
Outgoing Call
Outgoing Call
Joining Call Indicator
Joining Call Indicator
Call Content
Call Content


To use the RingingCallContent you can do the following:

import {
} from '@stream-io/video-react-native-sdk';

const Call = () => {
const calls = useCalls();

return (
<StreamCall call={call[0]}>
<RingingCallContent />



Applies the landscape mode styles to the component, if true.

boolean | undefined


Prop to customize the IncomingCall component. This component is rendered when an incoming call is received.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedIncomingCall


Prop to customize the OutgoingCall component. This component is rendered when someone is called.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedOutgoingCall


Prop to customize the CallTopView component.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedCallTopView


Prop to customize the accepted CallContent component in the RingingCallContent. This is shown after the call is accepted. By default it renders the CallContent component.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedCallContent


Prop to customize the JoiningCallIndicator component in the RingingCallContent. It is shown when the call is accepted and is waiting to be joined.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedJoiningCallIndicator

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