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Watching a livestream

The Video API allows you to assign specific roles for users in a livestream, such as hosts and viewers. Our SDK provides dedicated livestreaming components for both of these roles.

The ViewerLivestream component leverages the WebRTC protocol for seamless livestream viewing within the SDK. To enable external publishing, you can access HLS credentials from the dashboard. For additional information, please refer to our livestream tutorial.

This guide describes how to customize watching a livestream through our SDK.

Default component

For the viewer role, our React Native SDK includes the specialized ViewerLivestream component.

Here is a preview of the above component in video mode:

Viewer Livestream
Viewer Livestream
Viewer Livestream Screen Share
Viewer Livestream Screen Share
import {
} from '@stream-io/video-react-native-sdk';

export const MyLivestreamApp = () => {
// init client and call here...
return (
<StreamVideo client={client}>
<StreamCall call={call}>
<ViewerLivestream />

Adding customization

The ViewerLivestream provides a lot of customization options that can be passed as props:

  • ViewerLivestreamTopView allows customizing the top view or the header of the ViewerLivestream. It contains the LiveIndicator, FollowerCount, and the DurationBadge component by default.
  • LivestreamLayout allows customizing the main video layout component of the ViewerLivestream.
  • ViewerLivestreamControls allows customizing the bottom livestream controls component of the ViewerLivestream. It contains the ViewerLeaveStreamButton.
  • LiveIndicator allows customizing the live indicator component that is present in the top view of the ViewerLivestream.
  • FollowerCount allows customizing the follower count component that is present in the top view of the ViewerLivestream.
  • DurationBadge allows customizing the duration badge that shows the duration of the livestream in the top view of the ViewerLivestream.
  • ViewerLeaveStreamButton allows customizing the leave button of the livestream on the controls of the ViewerLivestream.
  • FloatingParticipantView allows customizing the Floating Participant View that renders the video of the participant when screen is shared.
  • onLeaveStreamHandler allows full override of the default functionality on what should happen when viewer ends the streaming using ViewerLeaveStreamButton.

An example to customize the ViewerLeaveStreamButton button is shown below:

import {
} from '@stream-io/video-react-native-sdk';
import { Button } from 'react-native';

const ViewerLeaveStreamButtonComponent = () => {
const call = useCall();

const onPressHandler = async () => {
await call.leave();

return <Button title="Leave Stream" onPress={onPressHandler} />;

export const MyLivestreamApp = () => {
// init client and call here...
return (
<StreamVideo client={client}>
<StreamCall call={call}>


Preview of the Custom ViewerLeaveStreamButton

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