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A type-erased type that wraps either a local file URL that has to be uploaded and attached to the message OR a custom payload which the message attachment should contain.

public struct AnyAttachmentPayload 



Creates an instance of AnyAttachmentPayload with the given payload.

init<Payload: AttachmentPayload>(payload: Payload) 

If attached to the new message the attachment with the given payload will be immediately available on ChatMessage with the uploadingState == nil since it doesn't require prior uploading.


  • payload: The payload to have the message attachment with.


Creates an instance of AnyAttachmentPayload with the URL referencing to a local file.

localFileURL: URL,
attachmentType: AttachmentType,
extraData: Encodable? = nil
) throws

The resulting attachment will have ImageAttachmentPayload if attachmentType == .image. The resulting attachment will have VideoAttachmentPayload if attachmentType == .video. The resulting attachment will have FileAttachmentPayload if attachmentType == .file. If the type is different than .image/.video/.file the ClientError.UnsupportedUploadableAttachmentType error will be thrown.

If attached to the new message the attachment with the given payload will be immediately available on ChatMessage with the uploadingState reflecting the file uploading progress.


  • localFileURL: The local URL referencing to the file.
  • attachmentType: The type of resulting attachment exposed on the message.
  • extraData: An extra data that should be added to attachment.


The error if localFileURL is not the file URL or if extraData can not be represented as a dictionary.



A type of attachment that will be created when the message is sent.

public let type: AttachmentType


A payload that will exposed on attachment when the message is sent.

public let payload: Encodable


A URL referencing to the local file that should be uploaded.

public let localFileURL: URL?

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