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ChatUserSearchController is a controller class which allows observing a list of chat users based on the provided query.

public class ChatUserSearchController: DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider 


DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider



The ChatClient instance this controller belongs to.

public let client: ChatClient


The users matching the query of this controller.

public var users: LazyCachedMapCollection<ChatUser> 

To observe changes of the users, set your class as a delegate of this controller or use the provided Combine publishers.


Set the delegate of UserListController to observe the changes in the system.

public weak var delegate: ChatUserSearchControllerDelegate? 



Sets the provided object as a delegate of this controller.

public func setDelegate<Delegate: ChatUserSearchControllerDelegate>(_ delegate: Delegate) 


  • delegate: The object used as a delegate. It's referenced weakly, so you need to keep the object alive if you want keep receiving updates.


Searches users for the given term.

public func search(term: String?, completion: ((_ error: Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

When this function is called, users property of this controller will refresh with new users matching the term. The delegate function didChangeUsers will also be called.


  • term: Search term. If empty string or nil, all users are fetched.
  • completion: Called when the controller has finished fetching remote data. If the data fetching fails, the error variable contains more details about the problem.


Searches users for the given query.

public func search(query: UserListQuery, completion: ((_ error: Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

When this function is called, users property of this controller will refresh with new users matching the term. The delegate function didChangeUsers will also be called.


  • query: Search query.
  • completion: Called when the controller has finished fetching remote data. If the data fetching fails, the error variable contains more details about the problem.


Loads next users from backend.

public func loadNextUsers(
limit: Int = 25,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • limit: Limit for page size.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.

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