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ChatMessageController is a controller class which allows observing and mutating a chat message entity.

public class ChatMessageController: DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider 


DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider



A publisher emitting a new value every time the state of the controller changes.

public var statePublisher: AnyPublisher<DataController.State, Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time the message changes.

public var messageChangePublisher: AnyPublisher<EntityChange<ChatMessage>, Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time the list of the replies of the message has changes.

public var repliesChangesPublisher: AnyPublisher<[ListChange<ChatMessage>], Never> 


A wrapper object that exposes the controller variables in the form of ObservableObject to be used in SwiftUI.

public var observableObject: ObservableObject 


The ChatClient instance this controller belongs to.

public let client: ChatClient


The identified of the channel the message belongs to.

public let cid: ChannelId


The identified of the message this controllers represents.

public let messageId: MessageId


The message object this controller represents.

public var message: ChatMessage? 

To observe changes of the message, set your class as a delegate of this controller or use the provided Combine publishers.


The replies to the message the controller represents.

public var replies: LazyCachedMapCollection<ChatMessage> 

To observe changes of the replies, set your class as a delegate of this controller or use the provided Combine publishers.


Describes the ordering the replies are presented.

public var listOrdering: MessageOrdering = .topToBottom 


A Boolean value that returns whether pagination is finished

public private(set) var hasLoadedAllPreviousReplies: Bool = false


Set the delegate of ChatMessageController to observe the changes in the system.

var delegate: ChatMessageControllerDelegate? 



override public func synchronize(_ completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


Edits the message this controller manages with the provided values.

func editMessage(text: String, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • text: The updated message text.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Deletes the message this controller manages.

func deleteMessage(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Creates a new reply message locally and schedules it for send.

func createNewReply(
text: String,
pinning: MessagePinning? = nil,
attachments: [AnyAttachmentPayload] = [],
mentionedUserIds: [UserId] = [],
showReplyInChannel: Bool = false,
isSilent: Bool = false,
quotedMessageId: MessageId? = nil,
extraData: [String: RawJSON] = [:],
completion: ((Result<MessageId, Error>) -> Void)? = nil


  • text: Text of the message.
  • pinning: Pins the new message. nil if should not be pinned.
  • attachments: An array of the attachments for the message. Note: can be built-in types, custom attachment types conforming to AttachmentEnvelope protocol and ChatMessageAttachmentSeeds.
  • showReplyInChannel: Set this flag to true if you want the message to be also visible in the channel, not only in the response thread.
  • quotedMessageId: An id of the message new message quotes. (inline reply)
  • extraData: Additional extra data of the message object.
  • completion: Called when saving the message to the local DB finishes.


Loads previous messages from backend.

func loadPreviousReplies(
before messageId: MessageId? = nil,
limit: Int = 25,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • messageId: ID of the last fetched message. You will get messages older than the provided ID. In case no replies are fetched you will get the first limit number of replies.
  • limit: Limit for page size.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Loads new messages from backend.

func loadNextReplies(
after messageId: MessageId? = nil,
limit: Int = 25,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • messageId: ID of the current first message. You will get messages newer then the provided ID.
  • limit: Limit for page size.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Flags the message this controller manages.

func flag(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished.


Un-flags the message this controller manages.

func unflag(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished.


Adds new reaction to the message this controller manages.

func addReaction(
_ type: MessageReactionType,
score: Int = 1,
enforceUnique: Bool = false,
extraData: [String: RawJSON] = [:],
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • type: The reaction type.
  • score: The reaction score.
  • enforceUnique: If set to true, new reaction will replace all reactions the user has (if any) on this message.
  • extraData: The reaction extra data.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished.


Deletes the reaction from the message this controller manages.

func deleteReaction(
_ type: MessageReactionType,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • type: The reaction type.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished.


Pin the message this controller manages.

func pin(_ pinning: MessagePinning, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • pinning: The pinning expiration information. It supports setting an infinite expiration, setting a date, or the amount of time a message is pinned.
  • completion: A completion block with an error if the request was failed.


Unpins the message this controller manages.

func unpin(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: A completion block with an error if the request was failed.


Updates local state of attachment with provided id to be queued by attachment uploader.

func restartFailedAttachmentUploading(
with id: AttachmentId,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • id: The attachment identifier.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the database operation is finished. If operation fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Changes local message from .sendingFailed to .pendingSend so it is queued by message sender worker.

func resendMessage(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the database operation is finished. If operation fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Executes the provided action on the message this controller manages.

func dispatchEphemeralMessageAction(_ action: AttachmentAction, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • action: The action to take.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the operation is finished. If operation fails, the completion is called with the error.

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