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ChatChannelController is a controller class which allows mutating and observing changes of a specific chat channel.

public class ChatChannelController: DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider 

ChatChannelController objects are lightweight, and they can be used for both, continuous data change observations (like getting new messages in the channel), and for quick channel mutations (like adding a member to a channel).


DataController, DelegateCallable, DataStoreProvider



A publisher emitting a new value every time the state of the controller changes.

public var statePublisher: AnyPublisher<DataController.State, Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time the channel changes.

public var channelChangePublisher: AnyPublisher<EntityChange<ChatChannel>, Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time the list of the messages matching the query changes.

public var messagesChangesPublisher: AnyPublisher<[ListChange<ChatMessage>], Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time member event received.

public var memberEventPublisher: AnyPublisher<MemberEvent, Never> 


A publisher emitting a new value every time typing users change.

public var typingUsersPublisher: AnyPublisher<Set<ChatUser>, Never> 


A wrapper object that exposes the controller variables in the form of ObservableObject to be used in SwiftUI.

public var observableObject: ObservableObject 


The ChannelQuery this controller observes.

@Atomic public private(set) var channelQuery: ChannelQuery


A Boolean value that returns whether the previous messages have all been loaded or not.

public private(set) var hasLoadedAllPreviousMessages: Bool = false


The identifier of a channel this controller observes. Will be nil when we want to create direct message channel and id is not yet generated by backend.

public var cid: ChannelId? 


The ChatClient instance this controller belongs to.

public let client: ChatClient


The channel the controller represents.

public var channel: ChatChannel? 

To observe changes of the channel, set your class as a delegate of this controller or use the provided Combine publishers.


The messages of the channel the controller represents.

public var messages: LazyCachedMapCollection<ChatMessage> 

To observe changes of the messages, set your class as a delegate of this controller or use the provided Combine publishers.


Describes the ordering the messages are presented.

public let messageOrdering: MessageOrdering


true if the channel has typing events enabled. Defaults to false if the channel doesn't exist yet.

var areTypingEventsEnabled: Bool 


true if the channel has reactions enabled. Defaults to false if the channel doesn't exist yet.

var areReactionsEnabled: Bool 


true if the channel has replies enabled. Defaults to false if the channel doesn't exist yet.

var areRepliesEnabled: Bool 


true if the channel has read events enabled. Defaults to false if the channel doesn't exist yet.

var areReadEventsEnabled: Bool 


true if the channel supports uploading files/images. Defaults to false if the channel doesn't exist yet.

var areUploadsEnabled: Bool 


Set the delegate of ChannelController to observe the changes in the system.

var delegate: ChatChannelControllerDelegate? 



override public func synchronize(_ completion: ((_ error: Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


Sets the provided object as a delegate of this controller.

public func setDelegate<Delegate: ChatChannelControllerDelegate>(_ delegate: Delegate) 


  • delegate: The object used as a delegate. It's referenced weakly, so you need to keep the object alive if you want keep receiving updates.


Updated channel with new data.

func updateChannel(
name: String?,
imageURL: URL?,
team: String?,
members: Set<UserId> = [],
invites: Set<UserId> = [],
extraData: [String: RawJSON] = [:],
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • team: New team.
  • members: New members.
  • invites: New invites.
  • extraData: New ExtraData.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Mutes the channel this controller manages.

func muteChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Un-mutes the channel this controller manages.

func unmuteChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Delete the channel this controller manages.

func deleteChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Truncates the channel this controller manages.

func truncateChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

Removes all of the messages of the channel but doesn't affect the channel data or members.


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Hide the channel this controller manages from queryChannels for the user until a message is added.

func hideChannel(clearHistory: Bool = false, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • clearHistory: Flag to remove channel history (false by default)
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Removes hidden status for the channel this controller manages.

func showChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Loads previous messages from backend.

func loadPreviousMessages(
before messageId: MessageId? = nil,
limit: Int = 25,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • messageId: ID of the last fetched message. You will get messages older than the provided ID.
  • limit: Limit for page size.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Loads next messages from backend.

func loadNextMessages(
after messageId: MessageId? = nil,
limit: Int = 25,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


  • messageId: ID of the current first message. You will get messages newer than the provided ID.
  • limit: Limit for page size.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Sends the start typing event and schedule a timer to send the stop typing event.

func sendKeystrokeEvent(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

This method is meant to be called every time the user presses a key. The method will manage requests and timer as needed.


  • completion: a completion block with an error if the request was failed.


Sends the start typing event.

func sendStartTypingEvent(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

For the majority of cases, you don't need to call sendStartTypingEvent directly. Instead, use sendKeystrokeEvent method and call it every time the user presses a key. The controller will manage sendStartTypingEvent/sendStopTypingEvent calls automatically.


  • completion: a completion block with an error if the request was failed.


Sends the stop typing event.

func sendStopTypingEvent(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

For the majority of cases, you don't need to call sendStopTypingEvent directly. Instead, use sendKeystrokeEvent method and call it every time the user presses a key. The controller will manage sendStartTypingEvent/sendStopTypingEvent calls automatically.


  • completion: a completion block with an error if the request was failed.


Creates a new message locally and schedules it for send.

func createNewMessage(
text: String,
pinning: MessagePinning? = nil,
// command: String? = nil,
// arguments: String? = nil,
isSilent: Bool = false,
attachments: [AnyAttachmentPayload] = [],
mentionedUserIds: [UserId] = [],
quotedMessageId: MessageId? = nil,
extraData: [String: RawJSON] = [:],
completion: ((Result<MessageId, Error>) -> Void)? = nil


  • text: Text of the message.
  • pinning: Pins the new message. nil if should not be pinned.
  • isSilent: A flag indicating whether the message is a silent message. Silent messages are special messages that don't increase the unread messages count nor mark a channel as unread.
  • attachments: An array of the attachments for the message. Note: can be built-in types, custom attachment types conforming to AttachmentEnvelope protocol and ChatMessageAttachmentSeeds.
  • quotedMessageId: An id of the message new message quotes. (inline reply)
  • extraData: Additional extra data of the message object.
  • completion: Called when saving the message to the local DB finishes.


Add users to the channel as members.

func addMembers(userIds: Set<UserId>, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • users: Users Id to add to a channel.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Remove users to the channel as members.

func removeMembers(userIds: Set<UserId>, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • users: Users Id to add to a channel.
  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Invite members to a channel. They can then accept or decline the invitation

func inviteMembers(userIds: Set<UserId>, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • userIds: Set of ids of users to be invited to the channel
  • completion: Called when the API call is finished. Called with Error if the remote update fails.


Accept Request

func acceptInvite(message: String? = nil, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • cid: The channel identifier.
  • userId: userId
  • message: message
  • completion: Called when the API call is finished. Called with Error if the remote update fails.


Reject Request

func rejectInvite(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • cid: The channel identifier.
  • completion: Called when the API call is finished. Called with Error if the remote update fails.


Marks the channel as read.

func markRead(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Enables slow mode for the channel

func enableSlowMode(cooldownDuration: Int, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

When slow mode is enabled, users can only send a message every cooldownDuration time interval. cooldownDuration is specified in seconds, and should be between 1-120. For more information, please check documentation.


  • cooldownDuration: Duration of the time interval users have to wait between messages. Specified in seconds. Should be between 1-120.
  • completion: Called when the API call is finished. Called with Error if the remote update fails.


Disables slow mode for the channel

func disableSlowMode(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

For more information, please check documentation.


  • completion: Called when the API call is finished. Called with Error if the remote update fails.


Freezes the channel.

func freezeChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

Freezing a channel will disallow sending new messages and sending / deleting reactions. For more information, see\_channels/?language=swift


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Unfreezes the channel.

func unfreezeChannel(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) 

Freezing a channel will disallow sending new messages and sending / deleting reactions. For more information, see\_channels/?language=swift


  • completion: The completion. Will be called on a callbackQueue when the network request is finished. If request fails, the completion will be called with an error.


Creates a new ChannelEventsController that can be used to listen to system events and for sending custom events into a channel the current controller manages.

func eventsController() -> ChannelEventsController 


A new instance of ChannelEventsController.

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