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A configuration object used to configure a ChatClient instance.

public struct ChatClientConfig 

The default configuration can be changed the following way:

  var config = ChatClientConfig()
config.isLocalStorageEnabled = false = 15



public init(apiKey: APIKey) 


Creates a new instance of ChatClientConfig.

public init(apiKeyString: String) 


  • apiKeyString: The string with API key of the chat app the ChatClient connects to.



The APIKey unique for your chat app.

public let apiKey: APIKey

The API key can be obtained by registering on [our website](


The security application group ID to use for the local storage. This is needed if you want to share offline storage between your chat application and extensions. More information is available here and here

public var applicationGroupIdentifier: String? 


The folder ChatClient uses to store its local cache files.

public var localStorageFolderURL: URL? 


The data center ChatClient uses for connecting.

public var baseURL: BaseURL = .usEast


Determines whether ChatClient caches the data locally. This makes it possible to browse the existing chat data also when the internet connection is not available.

public var isLocalStorageEnabled: Bool = false


If set to true, ChatClient resets the local cache on the start.

public var shouldFlushLocalStorageOnStart: Bool = false

You should set shouldFlushLocalStorageOnStart = true every time the changes in your code makes the local cache invalid.


Advanced settings for the local caching and model serialization.

public var localCaching 


Flag for setting a ChatClient instance in connection-less mode. A connection-less client is not able to connect to web socket and will not receive web socket events. It can still observe and mutate database. This flag is automatically set to false for app extensions Warning:​ There should be at max 1 active client at the same time, else it can lead to undefined behaviour.

public var isClientInActiveMode: Bool


If set to true the ChatClient will automatically establish a web-socket connection to listen to the updates when reloadUserIfNeeded is called.

message: "This flag has no effect anymore. The flow for setting and for connecting the user has been unified to the `connectUser` set of methods."
public var shouldConnectAutomatically = true

If set to false the connection won't be established automatically but has to be initiated manually by calling connect.

Is true by default.


If set to true, the ChatClient will try to stay connected while app is in the background. If set to false, web socket disconnects immediately when app is in the background.

public var staysConnectedInBackground = true

This flag aims to reduce unnecessary reconnect attempts while quick app switches, like when a user just checks a notification or another app. ChatClient starts a background task to keep the connection alive, and disconnects when background task expires. ChatClient tries to stay connected while in background up to 5 minutes. Usually, disconnection occurs around 2-3 minutes.

Default value is true


Creates a new instance of ChatClientConfig.

public var customCDNClient: CDNClient?

Allows to inject a custom API client for uploading attachments, if not specified StreamCDNClient is used


  • apiKey: The API key of the chat app the ChatClient connects to.


Returns max possible attachment size in bytes. The value is taken from custom maxAttachmentSize type custom CDNClient type. The default value is 20 MiB.

public var maxAttachmentSize: Int64 


Specifies the visibility of deleted messages.

public var deletedMessagesVisibility: DeletedMessageVisibility = .visibleForCurrentUser

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