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public protocol Customizable 

Default Implementations


If the view is already in the view hierarchy it calls updateContent(), otherwise does nothing.

func updateContentIfNeeded() 


If the view is already loaded it calls updateContent(), otherwise does nothing.

func updateContentIfNeeded() 



Main point of customization for the view functionality.

func setUp()

It's called zero or one time during the view's lifetime. Calling super implementation is required.


Main point of customization for the view appearance.

func setUpAppearance()

It's called multiple times during the view's lifetime. The default implementation of this method is empty so calling super is usually not needed.


Main point of customization for the view layout.

func setUpLayout()

It's called zero or one time during the view's lifetime. Calling super is recommended but not required if you provide a complete layout for all subviews.


Main point of customizing the way the view updates its content.

func updateContent()

It's called every time view's content changes. Calling super is recommended but not required if you update the content of all subviews of the view.

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