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Version: v5


The MessageReactionsSelectorComponent makes it possible for users to react to a message, the reaction options can be set using the MessageReactionsService. You can read more about message reactions in the platform documentation.

Example - reacting to a message

The MessageReactionsSelectorComponent is displayed inside the built-in MessageActionsBoxComponent.

Basic usage

A typical use case for the MessageReactionsSelectorComponent would be to use in your custom components that will completely override the message component.

selector: "app-custom-message",
template: `
<!-- Other parts of the custom message component -->
export class CustomMessageComponent {
@Input() message: StreamMessage;


You can override the default reaction options using the MessageReactionsService.

You can provide your own message reaction selector component by the CustomTemplatesService.

Inputs and outputs


ownReactions: ReactionResponse\<DefaultStreamChatGenerics>[] = []

List of the user's own reactions of a message, used to display the users of a reaction type.

Defined in



messageId: undefined | string

The id of the message the reactions belong to

Defined in


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