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Version: v5


The MessageReactions component displays the reactions of a message. You can read more about message reactions in the platform documentation.

Example 1 - displaying reactions of a message:

Example 2 - displaying the reacting users - only visible if a message has at maximum 1200 reactions:

Basic usage

A typical use case for the MessageReactions component would be to use in your custom components that will completely override the message component.

selector: "app-custom-message",
template: `
<!-- Other parts of the custom message component -->
export class CustomMessageComponent {
@Input() message: StreamMessage;


You can override the default reaction options using the MessageReactionsService.

You can provide your own UI for the reaction details using the MessageReactionsService.

You can provide your own message reactions component by the CustomTemplatesService.

Inputs and outputs


messageId: undefined | string

The id of the message the reactions belong to

Defined in



messageReactionCounts: Object = {}

The number of reactions grouped by reaction types

Defined in



latestReactions: ReactionResponse\<DefaultStreamChatGenerics>[] = []

List of reactions of a message, used to display the users of a reaction type.

Defined in



ownReactions: ReactionResponse\<DefaultStreamChatGenerics>[] = []

List of the user's own reactions of a message, used to display the users of a reaction type.

Defined in


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