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Version: v5


The ChannelPreview component displays a channel preview in the channel list, it consists of the image, name (or list of members if name isn't defined) and latest message of the channel.

Basic usage

The ChannelPreview component is displayed inside the built-in channel list component. If you're building you own channel list, this is how you can use this component:

<stream-channel-preview [channel]="channel"></stream-channel-preview>


  1. You can provide your own template for the channel preview info (marked with the red rectangle on the screenshot) by providing your own template for the customTemplatesService.channelPreviewInfoTemplate$.
  1. If you want to customize the channel avatar, please refer to the avatar customization section

  2. You can replace the whole component by providing your own template for the customTemplatesService.channelPreviewInfoTemplate$.

  3. The MessageService provides some customization options for message display the are applied to both the message and channel preview components

Inputs and outputs


channel: undefined | Channel\<DefaultStreamChatGenerics>

The channel to be displayed

Defined in


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