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Audio Volume Indicator

The audio indicator provides visual feedback when a user connected to the call is speaking.

Audio Indicator

You can observe several things about audio in the CallParticipantState class such as:

  • Check if the current user is the dominant speaker: participantState.isDominantSpeaker
  • Check if the current user is speaking: participantState.isSpeaking
  • Check the audio level of the user: participantState.audioLevel

Customising the audio volume indicator

You can change the color of the audio indicator using the audioLevelIndicatorColor parameter of the StreamCallParticipant widget:

// ...
callContentBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallContent(
call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
callParticipantBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallParticipantState participantState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipant(
call: call,
participant: participantState,
audioLevelIndicatorColor: Colors.teal,

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